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求克林顿经济政策内容 带英语翻译 简短即可

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求克林顿经济政策内容 带英语翻译 简短即可
求克林顿经济政策内容 带英语翻译 简短即可
从理论上讲,克林顿经济学是一个混合物,是凯恩斯主义、货币主义、供给学派和理性预期学派的混合物In theory, Clinton is a mixture of economics, Keynesian, monetary, and supply of school and school of a mixture of rational expectations.克林顿经济学既反对完全自由放任的政府,又反对过度干预的政府Clinton's laissez-faire economics is totally opposed to the government, also opposed excessive government intervention. .用他自已的话讲就是,“我们将走第三条道路”.不仅如此,克林顿经济学还在很大程度上受到了日本产业政策的影响,吸收了其中许多有益的东西Not only that, Clinton is still a large extent by the economics of the Japanese industrial policy implications, which has absorbed many useful things..克林顿的宏观经济政策已不是过去那样,仅把重点放在总量的简单增减问题上,而是在考虑总量的同时,进一步考虑结构问题.因此,克林顿经济学不仅是各个学派的混合物,同时也是总量与结构的混合物Therefore, Clinton economics is not only a mixture of various schools of thought, but also with the overall structure of the mixture..克林顿经济政策主要包括以下几个方面.
财政政策 虽然其目标是减少预算赤字,但并不是以前各任总统所采取的简单减少支出的办法,而是采用有增有减的结构性财政政策While fiscal policy goal is to reduce its budget deficit, but not before the president taken by a simple way to reduce spending, but increases and decreases use of the structural fiscal policy..主要措施有:通过增加投资,经济转型和增长战略来增加财政收入Main measures are: by increasing investment, economic restructuring and growth strategy to increase revenue;削减国防经费slashes in this year's defense outlays;取消非生产性开支,鼓励私人投资;削减联邦经费;取消非生产性开支,鼓励私人投资;削减联邦行政开支.cut federal funding for abolition of non-productive expenditure, encourage private investment, reduce the federal administrative expenses
货币政策 克林顿政府所采用的是较为温和,谨慎的货币政策Monetary policy adopted by the Clinton administration is more moderate and prudent monetary policy..这一点可以从过去几年联邦储备银行的数次利息升降中看出.
贸易政策 克林顿将传统上一直以提倡“自由贸易”为荣的美国转变到目前更体现实用主义的“公平贸易”上来Clinton will be the traditional trade policy has been to promote