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It was a cold afternoon.Ginny and I were walking home after

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 06:13:24
It was a cold afternoon.Ginny and I were walking home after work when suddenly a young man asked
It was a cold afternoon.Ginny and I were walking home after work when suddenly a young man asked us,"Do you want a hug?”He carried a sign in his hand which read "Free Hugo".I looked round and noticed there were other young people with him.They all lifted their handmade signs high.The message was the same on all of them - Free Hugs!
"Sure!" Ginny smiled and hugged him with all the love she had in her heart,"WOW!" he shouted."That is the best hug I've had all day!"
Then the young man looked at me and asked,'6How about a hug?"
"You got it!" I walked into his open arms.We held a hug briefly and parted at once.
Ginny and I stepped back and watched the "free huggers" hug those who accepted them.All of the young people offered hugs to them.
Not all the people accepted their offers,but the fact was that those who opened their arms in return,walked away with smiles on their faces.
I felt warmth in my heart.So warm that it seemed as if it were not a cold winter day.At that time,Ginny and I were going through tought times.We had little money and were heavily in debt.We were stressed and worried ,but that afternoon,for a short moment,we forgot all our problems because of a hug with love.It took a simple hug to make everyone smile and make everything better.
It was a cold afternoon.Ginny and I were walking home after
这是一个寒冷的下午.金妮和我下班回家时,突然一名年轻男子问我们,“你想要一个拥抱吗?”他举着一个招牌在他的手中,上面写道“免费拥抱”,我环顾四周注意到与他还有其他的年轻人他们都举起了自己亲手制作的招牌,该消息是一样的,所有的人 - 免费拥抱!“当然!”金妮笑着用她的心里的爱意抱住了他,“哇!”他喊道.“这是我今天得到的最好的拥抱!“年轻人看着我,问,'来一个拥抱怎么样?”“你当然可以得到它!”我走进他张开双臂.我们简要的抱一下后分开.金妮和我退后几步,看着“免费拥抱者”拥抱那些接受他们的人.所有的年轻人提供了拥抱.但并非所有的人都接受了他们的提议,事实是,那些张开了手臂的人,带着笑容离开.我在我的心里感到温暖.如此温暖以致仿佛现在已不是一个寒冷冬日.当时,我和金妮经历了几次困难.我们没有钱,负债累累.我们疲惫和担心,但当天下午,在很短的时刻里,我们忘记了我们所有的问题,因为爱一个拥抱.花了一个简单的拥抱,使每个人微笑,让一切变得更加美好.