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英语翻译I met him at the coffee place where I wasworking after I

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:48:44
I met him at the coffee place where I was
working after I’d dropped out of graduate school out West,many states and
several states of mind away from the New England college town to which I’d returned.
I was floating between Gen X jobs,living in the aftermath(后果余波) of an emotionally and physically abusive(虐待的) relationship that had left me dazed(头晕眼花的) and shaky(摇晃的),still
absently rubbing my arms where bruises(受伤) had
marbled them,unable to look much in mirrors because I felt exposed,vulnerable.
英语翻译I met him at the coffee place where I wasworking after I
那时候我已经从我就读研究生的学校辍学了.我和他在我工作的这家咖啡店邂逅.我的思绪,一如这家店距离新英格兰大学城的距离一样,距离我将要归去的地方,有好几个洲的距离.我徘徊在Gen X(不理解是神马)工作里.一场凄虐的感情给我留下了后遗症,我经常会头昏或者晕眩,而我也无时无刻不饱受这场感情带给我在精神上,生理上的折磨.我仍然会无意识地抚摸我的手臂,因为上面留有伤口愈合后的疤痕.我不敢照镜子,因为我怕看到一个无处躲藏,心理懦弱的自己.