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【选择题】His brother made ____ by accident.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 13:26:28
【选择题】His brother made ____ by accident.
A. all the trouble
B. the all trouble
C. the whole trouble
D. whole the trouble
已经可以排除B、D二项.现在不知道是选A还是C.求答案 求解释
【选择题】His brother made ____ by accident.
His brother made ____ by accident.
A.all the trouble
B.the all trouble
C.the whole trouble
D.whole the trouble
答:这一贴的A总算抄对了.现在成了判断A.all the trouble 和C.the whole trouble 那一个更佳的问题:
1.His brother made all the trouble by accident.
2.His brother made the whole trouble by accident.
By accident是偶然,意外地,不是故意的.his brother 肯定是惹麻烦了.感觉是有人在为他打圆场,说好话.
先看一下 all 与 whole 的用法区别
1.有时这两个词大致同义,只是位置不同:all 要放在冠词、指示代词、物主代词等之前,而 whole 应放在这些词之后.如:
all the family / the whole family 全家
2.在复数名词前一般用 all,在单数可数名词前一般用 whole.如:
All my friends are poor.我所有的朋友都很穷.
The whole building was burning.整座楼都在燃烧.
注意它们在意义上有差别:all 指一个不剩,即“全部”;whole 指一点不缺,即“整个”.
3.在不可数名词之前一般用 all,而不用 whole (偶尔有例外:the whole time / all the time; his whole energy / all hisenergy 等),但在物质名词前则绝对不用 whole.如:
误:the whole money 正:all the money 所有的钱
误:the whole food 正:all the food 所有的食物
误:the whole wine 正:all the wine 所有的酒
4.在表地点的专有名词之前,一般用 all 而不用 whole,但可用the whole of.如:
all China / the whole of China 全中国
5.在时间名词(如day,week,month,year 等)以及季节名词(spring,summer,autumn,winter) 之前,两者都可用(注意冠词的位置).如:
all (the) day /the whole day 整天
all (the) spring /the whole spring 整个春天
但在表示时间的 hour 和 century 之前,一般用 whole ,不用 all.如:
I waited for her a [the] whole hour.我等了她整整 1 小时.
2.本题句的特殊性:His brother made all the trouble by accident.=His brother made made the trouble all by accident.译:他弟弟所惹的所有这些麻烦全是出于无意.
总结:all强调“全”,whole 强调“整”