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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 19:38:45
关键词:死刑 死缓制度 缺陷 废除 刑罚体系
Death sentence with a reprieve system is commuted two years system, is a unique system of punishment. Death sentence with a reprieve system was originally as a criminal policy of our party in 1951, founding the suppression of the early period, apply counter-revolutionary movement is no blood, anger is not to damage the interests of the state and the severity of the sin and death counter-revolutionaries. In the period of five antis three-mirror, death sentence with a reprieve as a punishment prescribed by national laws in formal, applies to the death but sin have repented of serious corruption, performance, and eventually theft criminals in 1979 was handed in 1997 and has confirmed the criminal.
The crackdown counter-revolutionary social-fixed-asset born under the situation of struggle in the crackdown, punishment system and "counter-revolutionary movement antis movement", "five antis movement" and The Times, really play a certain role, which played a limit must kill death. Less However, the death sentence with a reprieve system is due to its inherent defect, irreparable theory not only makes it has been difficult to realize its limit, and good intention of death penalty in judicial practice has caused many disadvantages. Although the death sentence with a reprieve system has defects of our country criminal law educational world is common, but most of the original in the fixed penalty system. The author examines the viewpoint that the death sentence with a reprieve system, although problems, but decreased the fundamental theoretical defects can compensate, death sentence with a reprieve system can eliminate fundamentally. This paper from the death sentence with a reprieve system theory, the actual effect, defects of the system, and the development of international criminal judicial activities of death sentence with a reprieve system of comprehensive investigation and analysis on the basis of the value system of death sentence with a reprieve on reflection, shall be abolished death sentence with a reprieve system, combining with the current of the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy and restrictions on the background, the death penalty for the punishment of the abolition of the death sentence with a reprieve system were discussed.
Specifically, besides the preface and article mainly includes five parts. The first part is a death sentence with a reprieve system, this paper analyzes the origin and development of death sentence with a reprieve system with relevant laws, death sentence with a reprieve system analysis, the system of the death sentence with a reprieve system and basic content. The second part is about the death sentence with a reprieve system. The third part is the reflection on death sentence with a reprieve system function. The fourth part is the key, through the analysis of the death sentence with a reprieve system theory and practical problems of defects in death sentence with a reprieve system in-depth study. Based on the viewpoint of system abolish death sentence with a reprieve. The fifth part to perfect our country's system of punishment is discussed.
Keywords: abolish death penalty system defect death sentence with a reprieve system
英语翻译死缓制度即死刑缓期两年执行的制度,是我国的一项独特的刑罚制度.死缓制度最初是作为我党的一项刑事政策产生于1951 英语翻译【摘 要】:新《刑法》第48条规定了死刑和死缓适用的对象以及程序.作为我国独具特色的刑罚制度之一的死缓制度,在新 求几篇关于类似于死缓制度或死刑制度的外文文献 要求:要有英文的原材料加上中文的翻译 即是我国公民的一项基本权利又是我国法律的一项基本制度 民族区域自治制度,特别行政区制度是我国宪法制度中具有自身特色的两项制度. 英语翻译论我国刑法中的死缓制度 英语翻译民事诉讼中的调解制度作为我国一项重要的法律制度,是中国人民经过长期的审判实践总结出的特色制度,在外国被誉为“东方 英语翻译自首制度是我国刑法中一项重要的量刑制度,它有利于分化瓦解犯罪分子,有利于预防犯罪.自首制度在我国源远流长,一向被 英语翻译养老金制度丹麦福利政策的核心是养老金制度.丹麦的养老金制度包括:政府养老金制度、劳动力市场补充养老金制度和综合养 民族区域自治制度,特别行政区制度是我国宪法制度中具有自身特色的两项制度.下列对这两项制度的表述不正确的是( BD ). 英语翻译沉默权是现代法治国家刑事司法制度的一项重要内容,是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人能否真正享有辩护权的基础所在.本文通过追溯沉 英语翻译土地征用是我国的一项重要的制度.它始于计划经济时代,随着经济体制的转变,现行的征地制度越来越不适应市场经济的要求