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think of 与 think about的区别 通俗点 最好think组成的短语都介绍一番

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:25:12
think of 与 think about的区别 通俗点 最好think组成的短语都介绍一番
think of 与 think about的区别 通俗点 最好think组成的短语都介绍一番
中文意思为想要,认为,考虑等.常用语有think and think (细想)、come to think of it (细想一下)等.

  thinking   过去式: thought   过去分词: thought
  动词 v. 想;思考   · Think carefully before you answer.   在回答以前你好好想一想.   · They thought to be encouraged to think their own thoughts.   应该鼓励他们独立思考.   动词 v. 认为;以为,想   · I didn't think he understood your question.   我想他没有弄懂你的问题.   · What do you think of that record?   你觉得那张唱片怎么样?   动词 v. 认为   · They thought the book worth publication.   他们认为这书值得出版.   · He thought it no use trying to convince them.   他认为说服他们没有用.   动词 v. 想象   · You can't think how glad I am to see you.   你不能想象我见到你多高兴.   动词 v. 预料,想到   · I never thought to see you.   我想不到在这里会见到你.
  think about   think back   think of   think on   think out   think over   think for   think up
  vt. vi.考虑;思索   calculate conceive concentrate consider contemplate deliberate esteem hold meditate muse ponder reason reckon reflect study surmise suspect theorize   vt. vi.想象;推断   assume conclude deduce expect fancy gather guess imagine infer presume suppose suspect wonder   vt. vi.认为;以为   believe consider deem judge understand
  v. 假设   suppose
  come to think of it 细想一下   First think, then speak. [谚]先思而后言.   I don't think [俚]我倒不相信, 靠不住(加在讽语之后)   just think 只想想看(表示惊异)   not to be thought of 不能设想   Only think! [口]嗳, 你想想看! 试想一下, 真想不到!   Who could have ever thought? 谁会想到?   wouldn't think of 绝不会想[做]那种事   You can't think! [口]真想不到! 简直不能想象! 简直令人难以相信!   think about [of] 思索, 考虑; 回顾, 想起; 想到(某人, 某事)   think a lot of 喜欢; 尊敬   think aloud 自言自语   think and think 细想   think away 想开了, 想得忘了   think back to 回忆起   think better of 改变看法; (对某人)有较高的评价   think for 认为, 预料   think highly[much, no end, well]of... 评价极高; 重视, 赞美; 器重, 看得起   think little [nothing] of 轻视, 满不在乎; 对...毫不考虑, 毫不踌躇   think long (for, after) [英, 方]渴望, 切望   think of考虑 设想, 想象 [常用于否定句, 与could, should, would连用]有...想法[念头] 想起, 记得 想出(主意), 提出(建议) [和副词连用]认为(某事或某人)是...   think one is it [美俚]自以为了不起, 自高自大   think (sth.) out[through] 仔细考虑; 想出, 想透; 设计出   think over仔细考虑一下(指想过了, 再想)   think to [美方]认为   think to oneself 心中想, 盘算, 自思自忖   T-today and speak tomorrow. [谚]熟思而后言.   think twice 再三考虑; 踌躇   think up 想出, 想起; 捏造, 虚构; 设计出, 发明   think with 和...意见相同 “Think”否定不转移的情况   众所周知,动词think以一般现在时态出现时,宾语从句中的谓语动词如果是否定的,通常把它转移到主句的谓语动词上(即把think改成否定形式),这叫否定转移.例如:   I don't think chicken can swim.(我认为鸡不会游泳)   但是在实际运用中,并非全都如此.在以下几种情况下,一般不使用否定转移:   1、think 用于完成时态或完成进行时态时,例如:   I have been thinking we should not have anything to do with with a person like him.   我一直在想,我们不应该和像他那样的人有任何的来往!   2、think 用于过去时态或过去进行时态时,例如:   I was thinking why she hadn't come.   我在想他为什么还没有来.   I thought we should not behave like that.   我觉得我们不应该那样做.   3、当think作为插入语的谓语使用时,例如:   What you said, I think, isn't true.   我认为你说的话是不真实的.   India, I think, will give up continuous nuclear weapon tests.   我认为印度会放弃连续的核实验.   4、从句中已经有由not构成的固定词组,如not only...but also,can't not help doing, not a little,not ...yet, not at all, not much, not many,not quite, not enough 等时,如:   I think he is not only brave but also wise.   我认为他不仅勇敢而且聪明.   We think we can't help thinking if we see the Great Wall.   我们认为,如果看见长城,我们会禁不住浮想联翩的.   I think you are not a little afraid of dogs.   我认为你很怕狗!   I think you should not leave until he comes back.   我认为你应该在他回来以后再走.   I thought you didn't have enough people to pick the apples.   我原来认为你没有足够的人手来摘苹果!   I think he can not do the work too well.   我认为他这项工作干得越出色越好.   I think they haven't finished the work yet.   我认为他们还没有完成这项工作.   5、当think的宾语从句中有情态动词的否定形式时,如:   I think he needn't do it again.   我认为他不必再做.   We think you ought not to walk at night alone.   我们认为你不应该独自走夜路!