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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:23:38
1, 经过:1st. of January,2011, Zhou Tianchen and Luo Wei, two high school students in Shenzhen, were walking on the road. They saw there was an old woman who fell over beside the road, but no one dares to help. Finally, they decided to send the old woman to the hospital and contacted the families of the hers without leaving their names. Several days later, their story heard by the Shenzhen Government, both of them got 10 thousands yuan award for what they did. However, instead of keeping the money for themselves, they donate them to two poor students from Guizhou.
2, 人们的反应:Everybody heard this speak highly of them, they think “Respect the aged and care about the young" is a traditional virtue of Chinese nation. Although there are lots of news on papers or TV show that helping elders may leads to trouble, good ones will always be good.
3,评论:As they are just two high school student, they are doing even better than some of adults, their spirit of helping others are commendable. Nowadays, people are afraid of being good, it is ridiculous actually, it's pathetic. Why is this? The reason is obvious, there are a few black sheep among us, it's unavoidable. So following our hearts, no matter what we are doing, is the only way to make the world more harmonious.
再问: 那个……人们的反应和我的评价能用中文翻译一下么?有些看不懂…
再答: 反应:得知消息的人们都赞扬他们,人们都认为 “尊老爱幼”是中华民族的传统美德。尽管电视和报纸上之前的很多新闻事件表明,帮助老人很可能给自己带来麻烦,但是好人终究是好人,(加一句他们还是奋不顾身的愿意去帮they still willing to help without thinking themselves )。 评论:他们只是两个高中生而已,但是他们所做的甚至比一些大人还要好,他们帮助别人的精神是难能可贵的。当今社会,人们有事害怕做好事,这其实很荒唐可笑,这很可悲。可是源何如此呢?原因很明显,我们之中总是有一些害群之马,这是不可避免的。 因此,无论做什么事,只有跟着自己的心去做,这才是使我们这个社会更加和谐的唯一方式。