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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 03:33:36
首先 托福作文不能摇摆观点 最好只写一个 曾经写过一个类似的 看看能不能给你点启发
Spend entire lives in one place or moving to anther place
Now,we have had a heated discussion about whether you prefer staying in one place or moving in search of another place.This topic is much debated one in that it affects many teenagers in their daily lives.People may prefer one to another,although some have no opinion about it.However,I can only believe moving in search of another place is better.This measure could provide more chances for us to communicate with others to promote our living skills and reduce the dangerous of the changes.
In the first place,moving in search of another place could let us communicate with others more frequently.Accordingly,moving could make our eyesight become wider and wider.Many surveys show that people in increasing numbers are beginning to recognize that more adventure could lead us to make more friends.Furthermore,more communication and friends benefit us a lot because it can build up our personal character,which may put us in a favorable position in the future society activities and let us keep a healthy mental condition.For instance,many people know the famous explorer Xu Xiake.He had been to many place and communicated with local people.Hence,he acquaints many friends.Many landscapes enrich his experience.Consequently,he used his erudite experience and under the help of his friends.He had finished a famous book..
At the second thought,moving in search of another place could promote our living skills.There are still many people who live under the tradition ideas that people spend their entire lives in one place which is relaxing and comfortable.However,this idea is now being questioned by more experts,who point out that it is unhealthy for teenagers who always stay at home.Moving to a new place,you would have to face a new environment.You have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills so that you can keep a favorable position in this environment.As Darwin said:survival of the fittest.You will get promotion when you are trying to fit the environment.
Last but not least,if you want to reduce the danger of the changes,I advise you moving frequently.Forrest-Gump’s mum is correct in this assertion that:“life was like a box of chocolate.You never know what you are gonna take.“With the developments of our country in the recent 30 years,the rhythm of our society has changed faster and faster.Every thing is possible.Have you read a famous story called Who moved my cheese,which is really benefited.The story centers around the “cheese” question,possession,and loss.However,different people have different attitudes of mind.Therefore,it results in very different strategy.We need to seize the opportunity to change around or let the cheese in the hands go acid and worse.What we need is to find suitable for our own roads out of an easy life,beyond fare,which relies on looking for a new cheese.Actively moving to another place,you will find a better cheese.No matter whether we are aware of the new cheese,it is always present in a place.
After all,from what I have mentioned above,we can see clearly that moving to another place is good for us because you can make more friends and make your life become more and more beautiful.You can promote your living skills,survive in this complex society.And you can also reduce the danger of changes.When you like moving to another place,you will find a much better and brighter future awaits you.
托福作文好的给点指点题目是有的人在一家公司工作一辈子,为一个雇佣者工作一辈子,这样好么,给出理由,我都写四段的,开头结尾 将来如何生存我之前在一家国企工作,一直还算稳定.但是不甘心就这么退休,一辈子就这样废进去了,总想闯一闯让自己的人生有所改 给一个英语演讲的开头简单点就行,内容大约这样,大家下午好,我演讲的题目是.结尾 我的演讲结束 英语翻译“一个人一辈子只在一个企业工作,只忠诚于一个企业,是不现实的,合理的人才流动有利于企业建设有活力的团队.但是,因 ''一句话 一辈子''的作文 一个感人的故事作文 我谢你一辈子! 英语翻译,必须先获得一家加拿大公司的聘书,而且此工作必须经过加拿大雇佣委员会批准,发聘书给申请人的加拿大公司,也应该将有 以开始为话题的作文 要叙事文 给我好的开头和结尾 中间给点提示 各位懂法律的网友 请你们帮我指点下我 因为我不知道该怎样去做了 事情是这样的 我在一家厂里工作 那天我刚上班 由于刚上班 虚假出资、抽逃出资罪我在一家私营公司工作期间,公司老板为了业务方便,另外注册成立了一个公司,新成立的公司的股东是我和另外 想写一篇感谢信!我在一家公司做财务工作,是领导对我确实很好,给了我很多机会,也教了我很多东西,但现在有更好的工作,可以学 "我上一家工作过的公司" 用英文怎么说?