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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 14:32:27
• 城市公共设施一体化
Maybe we can put the focus of the look from the large memorial buildings, and removed type of people begin to pay close attention to improving the behavior patterns and community life.
For example, Beijing old buildings, structures, the neighbourhood of chaos, the change of the lack of necessary sanitary facilities, living space into a big city. Due to the density of the collection, residential housing design scheme of almost all were just as such considerations as resident, building area and every family decorate result, and not as a whole space problem considering metropolis. So in order to save energy, resources, reduce pollution as the core of the concept of sustainable development under the premise of design, we must learn to pay more attention to the local culture and regional climate, and gradually formed a unique climate, from the community, city, and regional ecological problems thingk level. In addition, through the ecological community on people's behavior habits lead, environmental protection consciousness is high quality residential development.
Example: in the Co - housing (practice) this kind of housing pattern living cooperation, independent private residence and sharing of the equipment and facilities, combined with the community residents participate in planning, construction and management, live together, sharing property and resources, helps to reduce the material consumption, to a certain extent, economizing resources, protection of the natural environment, and enhance the effect of the residents, harmonious relationships among neighbors. I think this will also be Beijing hutongs reconstruction of future development direction.
Urban public facilities, integration
In the ancient city of Beijing, the density of the large cities create an open space, for large outdoor activities, assembly, and even art passer-by provides a full autonomy, creative, and flexibility of the exciting place. This unique space and urban culture park, in central Beijing, large-scale cultural museum, rendering the cultural atmosphere of the region. Use planting, hard, the combination of urban environment skylight formed the three-dimensional flow context.
英语翻译也许我们可以把目光的焦点从那些大型的纪念碑式建筑移开,而开始关注人们行为模式的改善和社区生活的重组.例如,北京陈 英语翻译一个大型建筑的奠基石,是否可以翻译成捐献纪念碑? 目光从报纸上移开(短语)的英语翻译是什么 “从大清早开始,人们就把目光聚集到这里”,从“大清早”可以看出人们___________的心情,“把目光聚集到这里”具体 “五下 从大清早开始,人们就把目光聚集在这里”,“大清早”可以看出人们( )的心情,“把目光聚集到这里” 《梦圆飞天》从大清早开始,人们就把目光聚集到这里,"大清早"可以看出人们的星期,"把目光聚集到这里"具体 英语翻译摘 要随着社会的进步,我们的生活逐步改善,孩子的成长是人们越来越关注的话题,如今,儿童是一个值得关注的群体,儿童 英语翻译随着人口老龄化的发展,老年人的生活状况也越来越受到人们的关注,老年人的生活质量直接影响到家庭和睦与社会稳定,社区 英语翻译随着人们生活水品的提高,大家都开始注重生活的质量,人们对自己的身体健康越来越关注,尤其是生活在城市中的老年人.而 背后关注的目光作文 PM2.5成为各大城市关注的,我们的健康生活从何而来 英语翻译我国改革开放后,伴随着社会经济的迅速发展,人们的生活水平有了很大提高,城乡居民普遍开始关注和重视自己的生活质量,