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考博英语阅读有两句话不懂 求高手

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 22:29:10
考博英语阅读有两句话不懂 求高手
Any commentary on abortion should include a statement of the writer's position, I represent what seems to be a growing "middle ground" in pro-choice opinion. Legally, 1 believe in the right of every human being to medically control everything under his or her own skin. Many things people have a legal right to do, however, seem clearly wrong to me: adultery, lying to friends, walking past someone who is bleeding on the street. Some forms of abortion fall into that category. Morally speaking, my doubts have become so extreme that I could not undergo the procedure past the first three months and 1 would attempt to dissuade friends from doing so.

其中 Legally, 1 believe in the right of every human being to medically control everything under his or her own skin. 不懂什么意思,还有最后一句my doubts have become so extreme that I could not undergo the procedure past the first three months 作者不能忍受什么?怎么突然冒一句 不懂 求解
考博英语阅读有两句话不懂 求高手
Legally, I believe in the right of every human being to medically control everything under his or her own skin. 法律上来说,身体是自己的 这样 每个人就有权利用医药来处理自己的一切事情,换句话就是法律上 人们有权利堕胎.但从道德上,作者无法忍受上述提到的事情.the procedure past the first three months 这个可能是指 commentary on abortion 被通过后的前三个月.仅供交流!
再问: 非常感谢!第一句应该是这个意思。但第二句貌似这个commentary on abortion应该不是指的什么法规吧,而是作者在论述自己观点前的陈述说明,说任何有关堕胎的评论都应该阐明评论者立场,你认为呢
再答: 不知道这篇文章整体说的是什么 上下文的意思怎么样 昨天没有写清楚 呵呵 commentary on abortion 这个确实不是一定指法规 就是关于它的一切举动吧 评论 意见什么的 I could not undergo the procedure past the first three months 这个procedure单词从字面意思理解和后面跟的时间 感觉像是个有关堕胎的法律 规定 或者 评论后 被确定 走的一个公示程序 当然也可以理解为上述行为 那为什么还跟个 past the first three months "the first" 呢!这句话根据上下文 再好好理解下 当然做阅读理解时还是要根据题目和选项来 明白大概意思就可 每句话也不必非要弄得特别清楚!