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1.Rescuers reached the {skiers,found them apparently unharme

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 23:33:22
1.Rescuers reached the {skiers,found them apparently unharmed,but they nevertheless were taken} to the hospital for observation.
B.skiers,finding them apparently unharmed,and nevertheless taking them
D.skiers and found them apparently unharmed but neverthelss took them
2.Sugar alcols-sugar substitutes used in various brands of sugar-free chewing gum-do not cause tooth {decay,however,they contain calories}.
E.decay but do contain calories.
3.In 1987 a Soviet icebreaking ship helped free three gray whales that {had become trapped} in the Arctic ice after they {had swam} into the coastal waters of Alaska to feed.
我选had become trapped错,答案是had swam错.但是,不是先swam into ,再trapped的吗?那就应该是had swam 和became trapped啊.为什么答案是改had swam?
4.The Eactrian camel is well adapted to the extreme climate of its native Mongolia,having thick fur and underwool that keeps it warm in winter {and also} insulate against summer heat.
我想知道and also可以连用吗?also是连词?副词?怎么加了and?
5.Seventy-five percent of the apples sold in NYC come from the WC or overseas,『even though』 NYC produces more than enough apples to meet the city's need.
想知道even though什么词?连词?副词?怎么能在前面加逗号?
另外,sat里面不是规定,副词前只用;或.可是为什么thereby,thus还有好多其它副词都有.,副词+doing...的用法?e.g.I am happy,thus doing sth..请具体把所有起连词作用的副词的各种用法列一下.如thereby,thus ,therefore.尤其是能跟,加doing的!这个问题麻烦讲详细一点.
6.{A significant factor} to include in the budget when {buying} a car are the costs of fuel and maintenance and the insurance payments.
我知道a significant factor应改成Sigificant factors,但是buying为什么对?
有个经典例子:Mr Hanson proudly demonstrated his company's latest cellphone,a model that flashes the time in color-coded numerals (when pressing a button)
.就是pressing a buttoon 不是主语model发出的动作,所以不对.
7.in particular的用法怎么样?
"...,in particular doing"可不可以?
1.Rescuers reached the {skiers,found them apparently unharme
第一题,首先and 和but可以在一个完整的复句中.其次这句话是搜救员们搜索到了滑雪者,并发现了滑雪者没受什么伤所以reached和found都是Reachers发出的动作,要并列使用.如果选B的那种句型,finding则是who found 的省略形式,变成定于从句了,修饰的是滑雪者.可是滑雪者找到了什么?所以B不合句意.
第二题,这个题我觉得考察的是but 和however 的用法.如果lz给的题没有错误的话,那么就可以这样解释.however 不能连接两个分句,这就是说however前面必须是句号.而but则可以连接两个分句,标点无所谓.而且E选项的说法更符合国外的习惯.
第三题,不明白lz想说什么.第一个空应该是had swam,第二个空是had become trapped.介词搭配会产生不同的意思.
第四题,开头应该是The bactrian camel吧?这句话里的also照句意理解应该是副词,表示“同样、也、而且”.并且and和also 在这里不是连用的词组,要分开来看(虽然题目这样给选项),and连接的是前后两个句子.整句话翻译过来:双峰驼很好的适应了蒙古本土的极端恶劣的天气.它厚重的外皮毛和内层绒毛能在冬天保持温暖“而且”(即also)在夏天能抵御高温.(and作为连词在这里没有实际意义,不翻译出来.为了方便lz理解,所以此句就逐字翻译了)
第五题,even though在这个句子里是连词词组,既然是连词,就表示可以连接两个句子,当然能在前面加标点了.至于后面的附加问题,建议lz再开个问题单独问.
第六题,lz举的那个例子pressing 之所以不对是因为要用被动形式.而上面那个句子则没有这种情况,而且buying 是people buy 的省略形式,也就必须用buying了.
第七题,表尤其,特别.1、可放句首,修饰整个句子,例如In particular, it will usher in a new version of a very old idea: nomadism.特别是它将给一个非常古老的概念——游牧,引出新的诠释.2、可放句中,Unemployment in particular has risen less than once seemed likely.特别是失业率的增速似乎可能有所放缓.The risk is that Europe will get hit harder, in particular its financial system.风险在于,欧洲将遭受更严重的冲击,特别是欧洲的金融体系.3、可放句尾,She likes fruit and tomatoes in particular.她喜欢水果, 尤其是西红柿.
至于in particular doing,要看句子结构跟句意了,还有就是搭配.我一时半会儿没想到太合适的例句,不过好像没什么印象那么用.