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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 04:38:07
上面一段提出了观点,当下面一段要来阐述这些观点时可使用本节的句型.To understand the truth of this,it is necessary to have a clear unsentimental picture of the way the schools were in the past.City schools were dull and dingy buildings,with classes of forty or more students common.Country schools were usually one-room affairs with children of widely varying age and ability taught at the same class.Few of the teachers had anywhere near as much education of any kind as most teachers today.The elementary school curriculum was pretty much limited to Chinese and arithmetic.为了解这一观点的正确性,有必要实事求是地回顾一下学校过去的状况.当时城出的学校都在一幢光线暗淡的楼内,一个班级一般有四十以上的学生.而农村的学校就只有一间房子组成,不同年龄,不同能力的孩子都在一个班级里上课.很少有老师受过像现在大多数老师那么多的教育.小学的所有课只有语文和算术两门.333.2 To understand the necessity of abolishing the entrance examination,it is necessary to analyze its weaknesses.Narrowly academic examinations are felt to be heavily weighed in favor of children who have had the advantage of highly-academic schools and academically biased families.They weigh against an individual who may not give full play to his ability in the examination during which he doesn't feel very well physically or mentally.Then how can his whole future be determined by the single examination?为了解取消入学考试的必要性,有必要分析其缺点.困于书本教材的考试只有利于来自重视书本知识的学校的孩子和文化层次较高的家庭的孩子.而且考试时有的孩子会感觉身体不适,或有心理负担,这也会影响他们充分发挥自己的水平.这样,一个人的将来怎能用一次考试来决定呢?To prove this point,let us look first at the national consciousness of college degree.It is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to a prosperous future.A large segment of our society equals success in life with a college degree.Parents begin indoctrinating their children with this myth before they are out of grade school.High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a preparation for college rather than for life.The result of this emphasis on a college education is evident:The pressure is felt increasingly heavy and the competition becoming increasingly fierce.为了说明这一点,让我们首先看看人们对大学文凭是怎么想的.有一种传统的说法,大学文凭就是通向光明的将来的护照.社会上许多人把大学文凭和事业成功等同起来.家长还未等孩子读完小学就开始向他们灌输这一思想,而高中老师竭尽全力为孩子辅导,好像高中教育就是为了读大学作准备,而不是为将来生活打下知识基础的.这种一味强调大学教育的结果是很明显的:学生感到的压力越来越重,竞争也越来越激烈.335.2 To illustrate how academic pressures can contribute to teenage suicide,let us consider the competition,the preparation,and the anxiety different kinds of tests and exams involve.As only three percent of the college population can get into university,competition starts early and fiercely.To pass the national college entrance exams,which spread over three days,an average child has to spend more than six hours a day studying texts of earlier exams,in addition to his regular homework.为了说明学习上的压力是如何造成青少年自杀的,让我们看看为应付各种测验考试,学生之间的竞争,以及他们的准备和心理负担.由于只有3%的高中毕业生可以进入大学,所以竞争早就开始了,且特别激烈.为了通过全国大学入学统一考试(这个考试要进行三天),一般的学生除了完成课上作业外,每天放学后还要平均化上六个多小时复习过去历届的试卷