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给老师写英文信老师留了一个作业帮忙写写 在笔和纸的摩擦间,你度过了你神圣地一生。祝福你,老师! 再也听不到你的教诲,对我

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 01:16:09
老师留了一个作业帮忙写写 在笔和纸的摩擦间,你度过了你神圣地一生。祝福你,老师! 再也听不到你的教诲,对我来说,真是遗憾。对于你为我付出的辛劳,我无以为报,我说一声“老师,你好!”
生命如歌,桃李芬芳。 生命如歌,是您种下了那些音符,是您用辛勤的汗水教育了我们!
给老师写英文信老师留了一个作业帮忙写写 在笔和纸的摩擦间,你度过了你神圣地一生。祝福你,老师! 再也听不到你的教诲,对我
In the pen and the paper friction, you passed your sacredly life.Prays for heavenly blessing you, teacher! Again also does not listento your instruction, said to me, really is the regret. Regarding youthe pain which pays for me, I not think the newspaper, I said"teacher, hello!"
The life like song, the students are fragrant. The life like song, wasyou has planted these notes, was you uses the industrious sweat toeducate us!