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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 03:17:58
把女性比拟为有生命的动物或怪物,如:母老虎、雌老虎、母大虫(凶悍健壮、娴习武艺的妇女.大虫,指老虎)、胭脂虎、狐狸精、狐媚、狐媚子、狐媚妇、娄猪(淫乱的妇女)〔8〕、瘦马(买进家中教养,以供长大后高价卖给人家作妾的女孩)、无脚蟹(失去依靠的女人)、咬虫(女性詈称)、撑目兔、野雉(妓妾)、家鸡(妻子)、牝鸡、妖精、母夜叉(丑恶凶狠的女人) 〔9〕、夜叉婆等等.这类比拟命名基于男性社会对女性与所比动物相关性的认识,深刻地反映了性别歧视背景.比如古人最忌女子象虎,“生女如鼠,犹恐其虎” 〔10〕,所谓尽管“虎士”、“虎子”、“虎夫”等都是男子的美称,可用虎喻指女性,却是绝对的诋毁贬斥之辞.与虎相比,“狐”从不用作男性的喻称,只被用来喻指妖冶淫荡、以媚惑人的女子.另如表动物性别的母、雌、牝、娄等不仅可以附加在动物称谓前以指女性,而且有时甚至可以作女性称谓的中心词素.如“孤雌”指寡妇,“故雌”指前妻,“淫牝”指淫乱的女人,透露出男性社会视女性“非我族类”的意识.
Compare women as the living animal or monster,for instance:Tigress,female tiger,the intersection of mother and tiger (fierce and tough to practise women of the skill in martial arts while being stalwart,refined.The tiger,points tigers)
The intersection of blusher and tiger,fox spirit,bewitching bewitching son,bewitching woman,pig Lou (promiscuous women) ( 8) ,thin horse (buy home to bring up,for growing up,sells to others and does the concubine's girl at high price) ,there is no foot crab (lose the woman who rely on) ,bite the worm (woman Li claim) ,prop up the eye rabbit,the wild pheasant (prostitute concubine) ,family chicken (wife) ,the hen,evil spirit,ugly shrew (repulsive and fierce woman) ( 9) The intersection of yaksha and old woman,etc..This analogy plans to name because of man's social understanding of compared with the situation women's animal's relevance,have reflected the sexism background deeply.For example ancient avoid woman like tiger most," give birth to woman such as mouse,still intimidate its tiger " ( 10) ,Just so-called " The tiger person " ," tiger's son " ," of tiger " ,etc.is all man laudatory title,can refer to women are absolute diction which slander demote Yu by tiger.Compared with tiger," fox " Use as the intersection of a male one and Yu claim,use Yu mean pretty and coquettish and lascivious and with charming puzzled woman of people only never.Until the intersection of table and the intersection of animal and mother,female,female,Lou of gender,etc.not merely can add in front of animal's appellation in order to mean women another,and can even make the centre morpheme of the appellations of women sometimes.Such as " female orphan " Refer to widows," female reason " Refer to the former wife," excessive and female " Mean the promiscuous woman,reveal that it is " not my same clan " to appear in the male society to look at women Consciousness.
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