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英语翻译是关于火电厂底灰和粉煤灰处理的,括号里的不用翻译,人名不用翻译Bailey and Chapman (1987)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 21:19:56
Bailey and Chapman (1987) studied the effect of the addition of fluoride ions on the extraction of aluminum from coal ash materials.The addition of fluoride ions led to a dramatic increase in the rate of extraction of aluminum.This increase in yield was found to be independent of the source of fluoride,depending only upon the fluoride concentration in the leaching mediumand on the thermal history of the feed material.The very high yields of aluminum in relatively short extraction times observed at a fluoride concentration of 0.68 Mfor uncalcined samples and those calcined at temperatures below 850 ℃.Samples calcined at temperatures above 850 ℃ required higher concentrations of fluoride in order to obtain satisfactory recoveries of aluminum.
Singer et al.(1982) tested aluminum extraction from two fly ashes by commercial and microbiologically produced citric acids.Up to 12% Al2O3 of the total was extracted at fly ash:extractant ra- tio of 1:100 w/w,temperature 60 ℃ and shaking for 21 h.Extraction efficiency is considerably affected by extracting acid concentration and extraction temperature.The extraction efficiency of microbiologically produced citric acids was only slightly lower than that of commercial citric acid of equal concentration.
英语翻译是关于火电厂底灰和粉煤灰处理的,括号里的不用翻译,人名不用翻译Bailey and Chapman (1987)
Bailey and Chapman (1987),研究影响的氟离子的基础上再增加提取率的铝粉煤灰材料.氟离子的加入导致显著增加煤炭资源回采率的铝.这与去年同期相比,产量增长被发现是独立的来源不同,只有在氟化物的浸出mediumand氟化物浓度对热历史的饲料.非常高的铝产量在相对较短的提取次数观察到氟化物浓度的样品和那些0.68当成uncalcined 850℃下煅烧在温度.以上样本850℃煅烧温度要求在高浓度的含氟回收率为了获得满意的铝.
歌手et al..(1982)测试铝提取由两个飞灰商业和病原学产生了柠檬酸.多达12%总提取氧化铝在粉煤灰:萃取浓缩液ra - w / w公司生产的一氧化钛60℃,温度和摇晃了21小时.提取效率是相当的影响,通过提取硫酸浓度、提取温度.微生物产生的提取效率的柠檬酸是仅略低于的浓度柠檬酸的商业平等