作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 03:36:31
There are five members in my family: my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother and me. My grandparents are both fishers. They have worked hard all their lives. And they are now enjoying their old age at home. My father is a businessman and his is very nice to others. (不和别人争吵可以包含在友善这一概念中,不用重复说.)and taught me the importance of being cautious and friendly. My mother is an accountant. She's very smart and does her work well. She has an outgoing character. From my childhood, she has been teaching me to be honest(honest包含着诚实和正直的意思) and careful. I have a cousin who works in a bank. I learned about the working atmosphere, daily business and values of banks. Under their influence, I grow a deep interest in finance.(产生了浓厚的兴趣说了两遍,显得累赘,还不如合并说一次.)I think I'm suitable to work in banks where my integrity, patience, carefulness and learning ability can be brought into play. I'm also looking forward to realize my personal value in the banking sector.( 不要说银行是比较大的平台,因为这样有暗示还有比银行更大的平台,流露出你选择银行只是你的备胎的意思.)
再问: �dz���л�� and taught me the importance of being cautious and friendly. ���������˴ʣ�
再答: ���ٴ���.the importance of ʲôʲô����Ҫ�ԣ����Խ���ʣ�Ҳ���Խӷִʶ��of ��ʣ�����beҪ�÷ִ�ing��ʽ���������Ѻõ���Ҫ�ԡ�