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英语翻译After the dog is secured to a rope with a knot,Mr.Robert

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:19:40
After the dog is secured to a rope with a knot,Mr.Robert April pulls the playful animal behind him,determined to walk until it has completed its business in the various yards of the town.A neighbor who also walks his dog at this time passes April without a word or even a pause created by the two animals.The neighbor continues,feeling a twinge of pity for the glassy-eyed and obviously retarded Robert April,whom no one has ever heard speak or express emotion.
In truth,young Mr.April is not retarded.He has simply suffered enough disappointments in life not to care what tomorrow brings or what adventures might lie in his future.He has to work too hard to stop himself from caring about the pain in his past.He knows he is a source of gossip,and he doesn’t care.He knows he is thought to be mentally deficient,and he doesn’t care.
英语翻译After the dog is secured to a rope with a knot,Mr.Robert
在狗被绳子栓住后,Robert April先生把这个有趣的动物牵在身后,决定带着它走遍小镇.邻居也在这时牵着他的狗经过April先生,一声不吭,而这两只狗甚至都没有停顿.邻居还在继续走着,为目光呆滞并且明显动作迟缓的Robert April感到遗憾,没有人听说过他说过话或表达过情感.
  事实上,年轻的April先生不是弱智.他只是受够了生活中的失望,不再在意明天会如何或者未来会有怎样的刺激冒险.他必须努力工作使自己不再想起过去的苦痛.他知道他是流言的来源,但他不在乎.他知道他被认为是智力不足,但他不在乎. 再答: 讲的是一个伤心失意的人,不在乎别人怎么看他的故事。