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考研英语长难句,But brain researchers have discovered that when we c

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 16:27:28
But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits,we create parallel paths,and even entirely new brain cells,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.
我想问问:在此剧中,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.中的that为什么可以引导非限定性定语从句呢?还是这句根本就不是定语从句啊?
我看书上解析说,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.是用来修饰parallel paths,and even entirely new brain cells,的定语从句
考研英语长难句,But brain researchers have discovered that when we c
楼主,这句that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks不是非限定性定语从句,而是限定性定语从句,修饰parallel paths.
你可能被that前面的逗号误导了.and even entirely new brain cells是一个插入语,拿掉以后你再看,But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits,we create parallel paths 【】 that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks.这样是不是清楚了.
再问: 弱弱的问一句:不是有逗号就是非限定性定语从句么,而且,按您的说法,that can jump our trains of thought onto new,innovative tracks. 仅仅修饰parallel paths ,但我看书上解析说是修饰parallel paths,and even entirely new brain cells,的啊

再答: 这前后两个逗号是为了区隔插入语的。当然,插入语部分是为了进行补充,所以从句也可以理解为同时修饰even entirely new brain cells