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英语翻译填空题一个1.Put sentences of this group in a correct orderObv

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:33:25
1.Put sentences of this group in a correct order
Obviously no one can be a whiz at everything.In fact,success in one area often precludes success in another.Certain kinds of success can indeed be destructive.
1) I recall from my childhood a girl whose skill on ice marked her as “Olympic material”.
2) The danger of too early success is particularly acute whenever a child demonstrates special talent.
3) Her picture often appeared in the papers,and the rest of us envied her glamorous life.
4) “I never prepared myself for anything but the ice,” she said,“I peaked at 17 –and it’s been downhill ever since.”
5) While the rest of us were playing,bicycling,reading,making things and just loafing,this girl skated –every day after school and all weekend.
6) Years later,however,she spoke bitterly of those early triumphs.
Composition writing (40 points)
Write a composition of about 200 words on the given topic and the following statements:
Should the undergraduates be allowed to get married?
The Constitution has already proclaimed that the freedom of marriage is citizens’ fundamental right; the recruitment now cancelled the limits on age and marital status of applicants to the college entrance exam.But some students and teachers say Marriage will stand in the way of their studies.
What do you think about the remarks?In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement.In the second part you should support the thesis with appropriate details and draw a conclusion.
英语翻译填空题一个1.Put sentences of this group in a correct orderObv
1) 我记得在我小时候,有个小女孩滑冰滑得很好,被认为是块参加奥运会的料子.

2) 幼年的成功对于过早认定一个孩子的特殊天赋,无论何时都是非常危险的.
3) 她的照片经常出现在报纸上,我们其他人都很羡慕她那迷人都生活.
4) “我那时除了滑冰之外,对其他事是毫无准备.”她说道,“我17岁到达了运动的巅峰,并从那时开始每况愈下.”
5) 当我们其他人都在玩耍,骑车,读书,以及惹是生非和闲逛时,她却天天都会在放学后去练习滑冰.
6) 可是多年后,伴随着这些早年的成功,她却痛苦的退役了.
写作(40 points)