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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:29:51
25.谦虚是中国人极其尊崇的传统美德.该思想源自于我国古代哲学家孔子 --- 三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.
32.无论遇到什么挫折、失败,他都决定绝不放弃,唐朝李白诗歌里有一句 -- 天生我材必有用 -- 他相信自己总有一天会成功的.
The door is a folk paper-cutting art,its history can be traced back to the tang dynasty,at least.Paper-cutting is with scissors into or out of the sharp knife.
24.Tonight we invited guests arriving from London to our celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival,I feel very proud and honored.
25.Modesty is the traditional virtues of Chinese extremely exalted.The thoughts originated in ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius - two heads are better than one,how.And their shortcomings,its not from the development and change.
27.China is the biggest developing country in the world,the United States is the world's largest developed country.The u.s.-china economic complementarity,each culture.
28 the 21st century world people while facing many serious challenges,can say with certainty that human beings are facing enormous opportunities for development.
29 to understand a real and development changing,hopeful of China,it is necessary to understand China yesterday,today and tomorrow.
30 to be together with young friends and discuss how humans the challenge in the new century,and to create a more beautiful future,I feel very happy.
32.No matter what setbacks,he decided to fail,never give up,tang poetry is li,natural materials will be useful -- I believed he would someday succeed.