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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:26:42
1.when__shall we meet anain?
Make it__day you like; it is allthe the same to me.
A.one B.any C.another D.some
2.The director gave me a better offer than__
A.that of Dick's B.Dick's C.he gave Dick D.those of Dick
3.Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers.Now she would like to read __stories by writers from __countries.
A.some;any B.other; some C.some;other D.other;other
4.I have mo book shelf in my room, so I'am going to make__myself.
A.that B.this C.it D.one
5.---Why didn't you have dinner out in a restaurant last night?
-----We couldn't ,because __of us ___money in hand.
A.all;didn't have B.none;had any C.everyone; had no D.nobody ; had any
1 B 根据句意 选你喜欢的的一天,强调哪天都可以.所以用any.
2 C 这道题据我的理解应该是考查主从句主语一致的原则.如果是这样,那就是选C无疑了.
3 C 句意是:现在她想阅读一些其他国家的作家写的故事.第一个空填any\other意思讲不通,排除B和D.第二个空填any意思不相符.故选C
4 D one表示泛指.在本题中代指书架,但不是特定的哪个书架,不选C.this\that也是表示特指的.
5 B 很显然,nobody后不可接介词of.故排除D.选A和C不符合英语语法中主谓一致的原则,排除这两项后选B.