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我要一篇英文短文 50 -70字
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我要一篇英文短文 50 -70字
Customer relationship management (CRM) is to supply all kinds of first activity (sales and marketing information collection and customer service,etc.) the integration and coordination.The traditional supply chain management systems emphasize only the basic operation,often ignored the customer demand for the driver pulled type chain.Responsible for collecting information of customers first function (including sales and customer service) with upstream functions (such as production and distribution),will become effective decision factors of customer satisfaction.To ensure the smooth flow of information is based on Internet,the new method is gradually replacing the traditional marketing automation (SFA) and customer support.
And the corresponding technical changes,customer relationship management strategy of this new customer interaction for many companies are beginning to accept.Customer relationship management is the basic thought of the clients as enterprise's most valuable assets,and customer's every interaction is crucial,and must be able to add value.The marketing concept has been emphasized the importance of attracting and maintain customer,so maybe this is not a new idea.But in fact,it's "new" reflected in the customer by technology as a strategic resource actively managed.
Many companies are already using the customer relationship management strategy,it can not only improve enterprise's income,and can maximize the value of customer relationships.In fact,many marketing changes are the basic thoughts of different aspects,such as "zero betrayal" customer loyalty,marketing strategy,marketing,interactive marketing,direct marketing and the database of mass customization strategy,etc.For those interested in marketing way from individual fields such as product sales and financial service directory expanded into durable consumer goods,ordinary consumer goods and manufacturing.
Customer relationship management strategy of customer information system,and puts forward new requirements of the system before independently caused a lot of information island,now need to use integration package.The traditional marketing automation system can only be used for marketing,and customer relationship management system is in the whole life cycle of customers (from marketing activities to customer service) in each phase track customer.
Customer relationship management includes four parts:
(1) online sales management,automated:contact management,opportunity management,the activities of a cell phone to report,the sales order tracking input and clues,support and customer contact and remote sales.
(2) online customer service and support:customer management,maintenance/reception and on-site services.
(3) market intelligence:the customer information,the trend analysis and supplier management.
(4) marketing management:performance analysis,marketing plan and sales forecasts and human resource management.
The first section of the importance of the customer relationship management
Customer relationship management helps to win more loyal customers effectively and rapidly,and clear communication activities,maintain the customer for enterprise profit,and to promote the new product development.
First,the development of customer relationship management
In the four cases,the enterprise can develop customer relationship management:
1 is the future of the existing customer sales
Based on the existing customer expectations sales are sales plan,also want to strive for new customers,to achieve the sales target.
2 the future sales potential according to customer value for customer) (subdivided
According to the sales of the basis is subdivided potential customer purchase history.Practice showed that,in the market segment of customer purchase history than other demographic factors,therefore,must establish more effective customer purchase historical database.Control of the customer purchase history,it can predict the future trend,thus naturally to each customer as company's assets.Customer purchase history to formulate the promotion plan is very important also.
3 as other assets as customer relationship will depreciate
Like other assets will be lost over time,as is normal phenomenon,customer churn.Influence of sustaining/customer churn customers to existing customers factors include:tired of service,the service,or unsatisfactory elsewhere found lower prices.If the customer master enterprise purchase history,can make prediction of customer churn.The customer asset depreciation of the idea of customer,and has become widely accepted in many countries of the world standard accounting practice.
4 can "business" customers
In the company mergers and acquisitions,the sales potential customers for specific assessment has gradually become the important factor.For example,American Wells Fargo bank (Fargo signatures,and First Interstate bank (First Interstate) merger,two groups are combined.
Second,the implementation of customer relationship management
Customer relationship management is faced with two big questions.First,the description,tracking and win customer needs certain information,but difficult to obtain this information,information costs is high.In addition,the customer information collection need longer poured money to show results.Slowly,Second,customer relationship management and customer contact usually requires the coordination between departments,and the coordination degree is hard to reach.
The first problem solving methods are:utilize data acquisition and management of new technologies such as the Internet,and an Intranet technology) reduce cost,Develop the special software to manage customer database (such as data warehouse technology),Create and other companies,sharing is beneficial to both sides of the information,Establishing incentive mechanism,encourage customers to provide relevant purchase historical information.
The second problem involves the enterprise information system and marketing activities of coordination problems.To strengthen the connection between functions to solve this problem,for example,realize the integration of different departments.In addition to production department and r&d department is Shared with the customer for the Marketing Department establish good relationships,because these departments to improve the work efficiency of supply chain,and there is no enough attention should play a role.
Third,customer relationship management and supply chain
Generally speaking,marketing and sales cost of total cost of 15% 35%.This means that the price of product is the raw material and manufacturing labor,as reflected by the same marketing activities related to decide.These activities include:proper selection of products,product mix,guarantee the products have cash,etc.
To improve the productivity of the marketing fixed and variable costs will have a significant impact.Fixed costs are lower,the less break-even point,so the sales increase will bring more profits.Variable cost is lower,the sales increase,will bring more profits.
A system of enterprises (including marketing,sales and customer service) investment will greatly improve the productivity of supply chain.For example,the Internet can help enterprises from consumers in the questions and Suggestions collected a lot of important information,such LianXiHui customers to continuously introduce high quality products,In enterprise management abnormality during,still can remind your management,Communicate with customers can sometimes provide for new product development.Therefore,this kind of customer contact is very important.
So far,the enterprise in marketing and sales department practice steps of automation,still can realize should be applied to the Intranet and Internet marketing and sales department of enterprise is less,if adopted automation technology of enterprise is not regard it as a kind of competitive advantages.You have to understand the marketing and sales automation function,operation principle and realization method,we can find the customer relationship management.