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英语翻译In physics,maths or other branches of natural science,yo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/24 13:14:32
In physics,maths or other branches of natural science,you'll find many symbols,laws (定律;定理) and formulas (公式). Such symbols,laws and formulas may be the scientists' language. With it a scientist can express his thoughts in a more exact and clear way.
Take chemistry for example. The scientist always uses symbols to represent elements (元素). He uses the first letter of the name,capitalized,as the symbol. For example,the symbol for hydrogen (氢) is H,for oxygen (氧)is O,for nitrogen(氮) is N. With such symbols,he can form the formulas(分子式) of compounds (化合物). As we know,the formula for water is H2O.
Sometimes,words in everyday use will change their meaning when scientists use them. One of the most interesting examples is the word “work.” In physics,“to do work” means to move something. If you push against something but do not move it,you have done no work. Here the word “work” is quite different in meaning from the same word in the saying “to do a good day's work.”
There are many ways for scientists to express their thoughts besides writing,such as by designs or through data (数据).
The scientists'language is most important to scientific work. It is the ABC of science. Without it you cannot work at science,even a production plan cannot be carried out. And you cannot build a ship,a house,or a machine-tool (机床) if you do not know how to make design or how to read it.
英语翻译In physics,maths or other branches of natural science,yo
有时,我们的日常用词在科学家口中会改变原意.在物理中,“to do work(做工作,做功(物理专用词))“是指移动物体.如果你推物体但没推动,那你就没有做功.在这儿,“work(工作,功)“和“to do a good day's work(做好一天工作)“中的同一个词的意思是大相径庭的.