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英语语法:You ______ be driven out of the school if you dare to c

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:33:54
英语语法:You ______ be driven out of the school if you dare to cheat in the exam.
C. will D. shall
已知:Next time you do this again, you will be dead. 正确
If you do sth, you will be punished.
英语语法:You ______ be driven out of the school if you dare to c
I shall write to you again at the end of the month.月底我再给你写封信.
You shall have it back next week.下星期一定还你.
He shall stay in bed.他必须躺在床上.
Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.试卷完全收回后,应试人才能离开座位.
Shall I turn on the lights?我开灯好吗?
Shall he wait for you outside?要不要他在外面等你?
That day shall come.那一天总会来的.
再问: 问的是选WILL错在哪 我确定见过相似句子用WILL的
再答: 作为助动词,他们可以表示目前将要发生的行为动作。 作为情态动词,will用于第一人称时,常表示个人意愿。 i will help you.我愿意帮助你。 we will go to the park tomorrow.明天我们愿意去公园。 I will not help you.我不愿意帮助你。 will you help me?你愿不愿意帮助我? will用于非第一人称常表规律性习惯性预料。 he will go to the park.他会去公园。 they will come here.他们会来这里。 shall作为情态动词,可表责任性客观性不可推卸性。 we shall do something for 汶川。我们该为汶川做点什么。