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英语翻译.多多包含......请用括号里的词 1 多亏老师的帮助,我才算出那道数学题 .(work out) 2 为了买

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 03:31:20
.多多包含......请用括号里的词 1 多亏老师的帮助,我才算出那道数学题 .(work out) 2 为了买车那对年轻夫妇一直在存钱 .(save) 3 我的奶奶每天都去同一个公园,从不腻烦 .(fed up with) 4 人们预测明年的房价可能会上涨 .(it is predicted that.) 5 他平局每天花两小时看书 .(spend) 6 我们决心努力工作,直到成功 .(determine) 7 你上学迟到,而且还丢了书 .(what is more) 8 该向他道歉了.(It is time to do sth) 9 要适应另一个国家的风俗习惯是很困难的.(it作主语) 10 新西兰的葡萄酒质量很好.(be of) 11 我们忍不住大笑.(can not stop doing sth) 12 并非所有的工人都是有经验的.(not all) 13 我们不要不懂装懂.(pretend to do ) 14 我们不能把这件事故归咎于天气.(blame .on) 15 不要想在这么短的时间做这么多的事情.(attempt) 16 我祖父已经习惯于在公园里做运动了.(get used to) 17 他们正在考虑在这里建一个游泳池.(consider) 18 我们班里大多数学生来自农村.(majority) 19 他们冒着事业的危险去做那件事情.(risk) 20 那听起来不像是个8岁孩子在讲话.(sound like)
英语翻译.多多包含......请用括号里的词 1 多亏老师的帮助,我才算出那道数学题 .(work out) 2 为了买
1 thanks to the teacher's help, I worked out the math problem.
2 in order to buy the young couple had been saving.
3 my grandma going to the same park every day, never tired.
4 people predict that next year prices may rise. In
5 he read a book draw to spend two hours a day.
6 we are determined to work hard, until success.
7 you are late for school, but also lost the book.
8 should apologize to him for
9 to get used to another country's customs is very difficult.
10 New Zealand wine is of good quality.
11 of us couldn't help laughing.
12 not all workers are experienced.
13 we don't smatter.
14 we can put the accident blamed on the weather.
15 do not think that in such a short time to do so many things.
16 my grandfather was already in the habit of doing exercise in the park.
17 of them are currently considered here for a swimming pool. The
18 most students in our class come from the country.
19 they take a risk of their business to do that. In
20 it didn't sound like a child of 8 in his speech.