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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:05:02
从个体上看,同性恋并没有对社会有什么危害.但是从整体上看,同性恋文化对整个人类的文化有着强烈的瓦解作用.一个物种,不管它是否是高等智慧生物,它必须有一种保护它繁衍下去的机制.这种机制,表现在文化上,它体现出鼓励男女结合的那种欲望.表现在宗教上,它也以另一种面貌体现出来.不同国度的文化和宗教虽然不同,但是它们都是同一种繁衍机制的不同反映.虽然这种机制表现出动物性的一面,但是世界上没有那个人或者民族有资格贬低它. 同性恋文化,就是对这种机制的一种强烈的瓦解,如果你深入同性恋的那些论坛,你就会发现同性恋对异性的身体器官有一种强烈的鄙视趋向.而对异性的身体器官的看法,决定了一个物种能够在世界上生存下去的一种关键因数.其实这本身就是繁衍机制在人类审美观上的体现.所以我说同性恋文化对人类文化的危害大,危害在什么地方?就是对异性的身体器官审美标准的一种强烈瓦解.社会上必须存在一股反对同性恋的力量,而且这股力量必须很大,大到必须能够维持这种审美观的延续.从个体上看,一个人反对同性恋,也许说不清楚确切的理由,但这是人类繁衍机制在个人上的体现,这是一种正常的本能.这里没有什么进步与落后,没有什么正常与不正常,也没有什么美与丑,有的只是一种东西--生存,繁殖.能活下来的就是好的.也许从另一角度看,单性繁殖比双性繁殖要唯美,但是,自然界最终选择了双性繁殖.因为除了繁殖,以外的其他概念都是人类自己造的,人为的东西.
Gay culture is a disagglomeration of this mechanism. If you learn more about the BBS about it, you'll find that the homosexual people have a strong disdainful tendency towards the organs of the opposite sex. However, the opinions towards the opposite sex’s organs are a key factor in determining whether a species can survive in the world. Actually the opinion itself is a reflection of the breeding mechanism on human aesthetic value. So I say gay culture does great harm to human culture. But what exactly does it harmed? It harmed aesthetic standard on opposite sex’s body and organ. To resist homosexuality, there must be a group of people powerful enough to maintain the aesthetic value in society. One man fights against gays, from an individual point of view, can’t show us a clear reason, but it’s a demonstration of human propagation mechanism and is a normal intuition. It has nothing to do with advanced or backward, normal or abnormal, nor with beauty and ugliness. There is only one thing – survival and breeding. Survival is the better part. Perhaps from an aesthetic perspective, unisexual reproduction is better than double sexual one. But, nature makes double sexual reproduction as its final choice. Because apart from breeding, all other concepts are created by man himself, and are man-made things.