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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 12:30:19
Reducer is applied in prime mover and work machine independent transmission device between. With compact structure, It is of high transmission efficiency, transfer movement characteristics such as accurate and reliable. The speed reducer design process, need to do lots of analysis, calculation and drawing work and thus FeiGong time-consuming manual design, the design efficiency is low. At present, the computer aided design and manufacturing technology (CAD/CAM) has been widely used in various fields, industrial and agricultural production in scientific computing, engineering design plays a huge role. Using CAXA AUTOCAD, such as cad software for the reducer is also received a very good effect. Based on the introduction of computer aided design three-dimensional modeling principle, method and steps of basis, based on With solid features modelling function, parameterized, a single database software platform, Pro/e Combined with cylindrical gears reduction gear structure and function characteristics, analyses the integration three-dimensional modeling design. From the solid modelling design Angle, for its box seats and the box cover bearing with noodles, against a hole Buy high request, presents the main parts (cabinet) integration design modelling methods. Based on Cylindrical gear reducer all parts structure shape detailed analyses category, according to various parts structure Shape, respectively for Pro/e in corresponding entity attributes modelling function, completed the cylindrical gears decreases Speed machine main parts three-dimensional molding design. Using Pro/e assembly functions are zero Assembly, produced assembly explosion diagram, created box seat engineering drawings. Through the research of cylindrical gear reducer, realizing the rapid, accurate modeling and assembly design. income 3d entity model appeared intuitively and realistically and the detailed structure of main parts speed reducer and shapes, Facilitate undertake interference, effectively save the product design time, improve the design efficiency for slowing down The parametric design for laid a foundation. Keywords: reducer; Modeling methods; Solid modeling design; CAD; Pro/e
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英语翻译减速器是应用于原动机和工作机之间的独立传动装置.具有结构紧凑、传动效率高、传递运动准确可靠等特点.在减速器设计过 英语翻译本次完成了对二级行星齿轮减速器的结构设计.该减速器具有较小的传动比,而且,它具有结构紧凑、传动效率高、外廓尺寸小 机械设计课程设计---设计带式输送机传动装置其中减速器是一级圆柱齿轮减速器!明天要交了! 简述圆锥—圆柱齿轮传动减速器的结构特点. 在机械传动中,传动效率高,结构紧凑,功率和速度适用范围最广的是什么传动?A带传动 B链传动 C齿轮传动D 单级减速器在计算传动效率时轴承的传动效率乘几次? 减速器的齿轮传动和轴承采用什么轴承润滑方式,润滑装置和密封装置? 设计带式输送机传动装置中的一级圆柱齿轮减速器,提升机连续工作,单向提升载荷平稳,两班制工作,使用年限10年,输送带速度允 英语翻译齿轮传动是应用极为广泛和特别重要的一种机械传动形式,它可以用来在空间的任意轴之间传递运动和动力,目前齿轮传动装置 求 机械设计课程设计的任务书(四) 带式输送机传动装置中的二级圆柱齿轮减速器 英语翻译各种传动的特点1.齿轮传动优点:1)适用的圆周速度和功率范围广;2)传动比准确;3)机械效率高;4)工作可靠;5 带式运输机传动装置 一级斜齿圆柱齿轮减速器