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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 19:29:48
Telling the truth ,in modern society,is regarded as key to sustain every relationship .Form that ,we could see being faithful to people is a top idea today .But the there are several questions might make people confused ,the first is that is telling the truth always a good way to sustain the relationship?and the second :is it every relationship worthwhile to tell the absolute truth?And the answers are worth a profound consideration
First of all ,in my consideration ,every problem has its unique solution ,which means you have to change according to the different situation .In a word ,telling the truth sometimes does work but sometimes it does not .In some certain condition ,it may become a sort of damage to relationship because some truth could not be accepted by people in short time ,therefore white lie is actually necessary to protect relationship form destroying it .
An illustrating instance could prove what i said ,my girlfriend participated a part time job and really suffered a tough weeks in order to buy a expensive skirt ,she made it finally and aked for my comment ,actually i thought that one is not good at all ,but i still said i love it because if i told her truth ,that equals put her in embarrassing position ,which adversely might give our relationship a tough time ,which is entirely opposed to my expectation of improving relationship .
Secondly ,i believe not all the relationship worth telling truth all the time ,as a old Chinese saying goes by,one should always guard against the harm that others might do to him ,that is to warn people some bad guys would take advantage of your faith to do something harmful for you ,people are supposed protect their own privacy from people you just meet or even have no idea who he is
In conclusion ,it is a big world that full of various people ,we are supposed to identify which relationship is important to us and which is not or even harmful ,as for the important one to value ,we are also supposed to be more flexible depend on certain condition to protect your friends or other people to maintain the relationship
题目是tpo2 Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people
/>第一段一二句没有逻辑联系.你提出的topic要在下文环环相扣的进行解释,你要问自己why?then what?老外不是我们,他们从来不懂模糊的推论.你的A,只能得到B,不能得到C.


第二段第一句话恕我没能理解什么叫unique situation 在我看来你这段是打哈哈的废话,可以删除.托福文章的段式,最好是开头intro,中间两个body段,然后结尾.你这段没有把你的立场说清楚,而且绕.在intro段里面,必须明确指出你的supporting idea,你用两个论点,列子来论述你的观点(托福主要考这个)而且必须条理清晰.所以不要这段,下面的两端body paragraph你应当在每段开头表明你这一段的中心,而且你的论证必须是你在intro里提到的那两个论点





你现在的问题总结就是,词汇不够,逻辑不清,语法漏洞,缺乏例子,加油,我当时托福写作也是挣扎了很久才打到高分,关键多写,不要怕暴露问题.我托福110 你有什么不懂还可以问我

再问: 恩,你说的很好,但我同样也有些疑问,首先第二段那是solution不是situation,我意思是独特的解决方法,你可能看走眼了;还有就是我很疑惑你为什么觉得第三段表达的是中立意见?第三段是举了一个女朋友费劲心思买了一条不好看的衣服问我怎么样我骗她说不错以维持关系的例子来佐证有时不能一下说实话,标点不规范语法逻辑问题你很在理,再一个细节问题我一直不懂,所以能不能劳烦实际改一下第三段
再答: 恩 sorrry第二段那个solution我是笔误,然后我的意思是你的第一段,没有明确的给出你的观点,和论据。托福文章的结构是intro段(包含一句点明观点,包含一句说明你的两个supporting idea)body1(也是本段topic+supporting idea)body2。conclusion(总结两个supporting idea,不要有新的论据出现)
其实我想说的是第二段有点像中立,看错了。。 就是当我在读到 in a word的时候,我会以为你是在总结表达你的观点了,(好不容易出现)但是你说有的时候对有的时候不对,那考官会以为你是持中立意见的。所以你应该直接说有的时候不对(应为你下面两个supporting idea都是讲telling truth行不通的嘛)
再答: An illustrating instance could prove what i said 。My girlfriend participated a part time job (last month)and really suffered a tough weeks in order to buy an expensive (Nike)skirt .she( struggled for a long time deciding whether she should choose beauty or frugality), and bought the skirt finally and aked for my comment . Actually i thought the skirt is not suitble for her and is expensive , but i still said i love it because if i told her truth ,she would be put in embarassing situation which adversely give our relationship a tough time . Emaging you suffered a long time cleaning dishes and serving meals in the restaurant and finallly got the payment you want, but your boyfriend dismissed your hard working。If i did so,our relationship would not been improved, and otherwise, our relationship might get distroyed. Thus, this personal experience clearly support my argument that......

我觉得其实不需要很华丽的辞藻,关键把一件事说清楚,既要表达别人的观点更要表达你自己的观点。关于细节描写,在评分里有清楚的要求所以很必要。可以运用并列动作,not only but also,倒装这些句子丰富你的表达。注意长短句结合,你这段的最后几个which套起来就太长了,其实短句,几个字,清楚明白也是ok的。还有就是要适当的展示一下你的vocabulary词汇量,比如frugality这种词,一段也要用上一两个(不必刻意)关键是你的例子要展开。