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英语翻译      i had the meanest mother

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 15:19:34
      i had the meanest mother in the whole world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast,i had to have cereal,eggs or toast.When others had Cokes and candy for lunch,i had to eat a sandwich.But at least i was't the only one to have these.My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I  did        My mother insised on knowing whee we  were at all times.She had to know our friends were and where we were going         We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath every day .the other kids wore the same clothes fo days.We had to be in beb by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.We couldn't sleep at noon like our friends .So while they sleptmy mother actually made us work.we had to wash dishes,make the beb and learn to cook and do all sorts of hard things.i believe she lay awake at night thinking up mean things for us to do           Through the years,things didn't change a bit.We could not lie in beb"sick"like our friends' did beautiful colors on them,black for passing ,red for failing,while our report cards are never red     However,my mother was a complee success as a mother,Among the children,some of us received higher education .One of  my  brothers served his time in the sevice of this country.She made us grow up into educated and honest adults.I am now trying to raise my three chilren this way.i am filled with pride when my children call me mean mom.Why?Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whoie world
英语翻译      i had the meanest mother
我拥有这个世界上最吝啬最刻薄的妈妈.当其他小孩儿在早餐桌上吃糖的时候,我只能吃谷子,鸡蛋和土司.当其他孩子以可乐和糖为早餐时,我只能吃三明治.不过至少我不是唯一一个这样做的孩子. 我的一个姐妹和两个兄弟都得忍受这样一个妈妈.我们妈妈坚持要知道我们每时每刻都在哪里.她需要知道我们的朋友在哪里,而我们又要到哪里去.我们每天都要洗澡,然后穿上干净的衣服.其他的孩子好几天只穿一件衣服.我们每天晚上9点就要上床,第二天八点起床.我们不能像别的朋友一样午睡.因为当他们睡觉的时候,我妈妈让我们工作.我们要洗碗,整理床铺,学烧饭,以及做各种各样难做的事情.我赌她每天晚上很晚睡觉,因为要想第二天给我们什么苦活干.这么多年来,我们的生活未曾有一丁点儿的改变.我们不能像朋友那样,如果考试过关就涂黑色,考试不及格就涂红色,因为我们从来都没有不及格过.(这句话我稍微做了点改动,原句有点不通)但是,我妈妈是一个非常成功的妈妈.在所有的孩子中,有一些获得了高等教育.我的一个兄弟效力于国家.是妈妈让我们变成有教养的,诚实的大人.我现在也努力着把自己的三个孩子培养成那样.每次我的孩子叫我刻薄的妈妈的时候,我都很骄傲.为什么?因为我每天都感谢上帝给了我一个最刻薄的妈妈.