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英语a/an的用法我看英语字典上是《A English-Chinese Dictionary》中的—A—为什么不用AN

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:33:34
我看英语字典上是《A English-Chinese Dictionary》中的—A—为什么不用AN
英语a/an的用法我看英语字典上是《A English-Chinese Dictionary》中的—A—为什么不用AN
a man一个男人
a university一所大学
a hat一顶帽子
a European一个欧洲人
a one-way street一条单行马路
an apple一个苹果
an island一个岛
an uncle一位大叔
an onion一个洋葱
an egg一个鸡蛋
an hour一小时
an L-plate一块“实习驾驶”车牌
an MP一个国会议员
an SOS一个呼救信号
a man一个男人
a woman一个女人
an actor一个男演员
an actress一个女演员
a table一张桌子
A 复数名词之前:
a/an没有复数形式,所以a dog的复数是dogs,an egg的复数是eggs.
B 不可数名词之前(参见第13节):
C 三餐名称之前,但这些名称前加形容词时除外:
We have breakfast at eight.
He gave us a good breakfast.
I was invited to dinner(at their house, in the ordinary way).
I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the new ambassador.
A a/an和one(形容词)
1 计算时间、测量距离或重量等时,a/an或one可以用于单数的前面:
£l=a/one pound一英镑
£ 1,000,000= a/one million pounds 100万英镑
The rent is £ 100 a week.
在其他类型的陈述句中a/an和one通常不能互换,因为one+名词通常意为 one only/not more than one(只有一个),而a/an则没有这个意思:
A shotgun is no good.
One shotgun is no good.
2 one的特殊用法
(a) one(形容词/代词)与 another/others对照连用:
One(boy)wanted to read,another/others wanted to watch TV.一个(男孩)想看书,另一个/别的男孩们想看电视.(参见第53节.)
One day he wanted his lunch early, another day he wanted it late.
(b) one可以用在 day/week/month/year/summer/winter等词之前,或者用在日期或月份的名称之前,以特指某事发生的时间:
One night there was a terrible storm.
One winter the snow fell early.
On e day a telgram arrived.
(c) one day也可用来表示 at some future date(将来有一天):One day you’ll be sorry you treated him so badly.(这里也可用someday.)
B a/an和one(代词)
-Did you get a ticket?
-Yes,I managed to get one.
-Did you get tickets?
-Yes,I managed to get some.
He had a book under his arm.他手臂下夹着一本书.
He was a boy from a poor home. 他是来自穷苦家庭的孩子.
I saw a girl watering the flowers. 我看见一个女孩在浇花.
Anna had a boy friend named James. 安娜有个男朋友名叫詹姆斯.
He arrived half an hour ago. 他是半小时前到达的.
He is an able man. 他是一个能干的人.
Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺.
The book is based on an actual case. 这书是根据一个实际案例写的.
He decided to put an advertisement in the newspapers. 他决定在报上登一份广告.
A bird has wings. 鸟有翅膀.
A square has four sides. 正方形有四条边.
A dog is an animal. 狗是动物.
He comes home once a week. 他每周回一次家.
The doctor told him to bathe his eyes twice a day. 医生让他每天洗两次眼睛.
The ducks were force-fed several times a day. 这种鸭子每天强行喂食好几次.
A Mr. Black just came to see you. 刚才一个叫布莱克先生的人来看你.
The house next door has been bought by a Mr Jones. 隔壁的房子被一个叫琼斯的先生的人买下了.
1. 用 a 还是用an:一般说来,在辅音或半元音开头的词前用a,而在元音开头的词前用an.注意:有些以元音字母开头的单词,由于第一个音不是元音而是辅音,其前仍用a而不用an.
2. 单数可数名词若泛指,其前需加 a / an,不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词,如不能说Her father is famous film poet.(应在is加a)
3.不能与指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格等连用,如不说 my a good friend,可改说 a good friend of mine.
① A stitch in time saves nine.
② Jason is an internationally known scholar.
此外,a/an 还有下列 6 种用途:
一常和time、measurement等有关的名词连用,以表示“每—” 的概念,如:
③ I teach five days a week.
④ This type of vegetables is sold at one dollar a kilo.
⑤ My car usually runs sixty kilometres an hour.
二常和 hundred, thousand, dozen 以及数目及数量连用,如:
⑥ That factory turns out at least a hundred tyres a day.
⑦ Noel's monthly salary is a thousand dollars.
⑧ I have a number of sponsored students.
⑨ Mary has a lot of money.
三在“of / at”后面出现,以表示“同一类”这概念,如:
⑩ Birds of a feather flock together.
11. Please come one at a time.
12. Things of a kind come together, so do people of a mind.
四常在“rather, quite, many, half, what, such”等字后面出现,形成固定用法,如:
13. Tom is rather a fool.
14. I think Chinese is quite a useful language.
15. Many a student has asked that question.
16. The visitor left half an hour ago.
17. What a fine day it is!
18. How can you say such a thing?
五用在“so, as, too, how +形容词”这些结构里,如:
19. We have not had so hot a day before.
20. Susan is as clever a girl as Anna.
21. That is too difficult a book for beginners.
22. No one knew how serious a problem it was until later.
23. Bob always has a bone to pick with others.
24. Some students turned a deaf ear to the teacher's advice.
25. All must learn a language with an eye to mastering it.
26. I hope you will make an effort to attend the meeting punctually.
27. Jason has an aversion to being idle.
28. The news of Jack's sudden resignation came as a bolt from the blue