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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 22:22:26
十五世纪以后,香水被人们广泛使用,并开始使用了浓烈的动物脂香料.这种流行风尚很快就流传到法国、英国等欧洲国家.十七世纪时,Paul Feminis配制出一种异香扑鼻的奇妙的液体,因他当时住在德国科隆,故命名为“科隆水”.尔后,爱好服装和化妆品的法国人就特别热爱香水,香水继而成为了上流名媛手中不可少的时尚用品.
相信大家还是有一点了解的,⒈龙涎香 从抹香鲸在吃了墨鱼以后的分泌物,一团团地漂浮在热带的海面和浪潮冲刷过的海滩上,形状和大小不一,在使用前最少要晾吹3年.
⒉麝香 从雄性喜马拉雅麝鹿身上提取的颗粒状晶体,囊体约有胡桃大小,提 取过程毋需杀害麝鹿.这是所有香料品种中,香味最浓烈的,在手帕上滴一滴可以留香40年.
⒊麝猫香 从香猫尾部的囊体里面提取的分泌物,看起来有点像黄油,埃塞俄比亚、缅甸和泰国都有这种香猫出产.
⒋海狸香 是 从海狸的液囊里面提取的一种红棕色的奶油状分泌物.从公元9世纪起就有人用,最早的使用者是阿拉伯人.
The origin of the ancient world perfume
Around the third millennium BC, Egypt began to use spices, which is much earlier than the Egyptian civilization others. Egyptians invention may Philippine incense is the earliest human perfume, but was not yet that high-purity alcohol refining technology, so accurate, it should be said that this perfume called sesame oil, specifically by priests and pharaohs made.
In ancient Persia, perfume symbolizes the identity and status. In the palace, the emperor must be the most fragrant one.
Greeks deified perfume, considered gods invented perfume, smell the fragrance represents the coming of the gods and blessing.
More affluent Romans pursuit of luxury atmosphere, they like perfume on the floor and walls, like to give their pets the horse and pet dog wear perfume, perfume banner army to triumph.
After the 15th century, perfume is widely used, and start using the thick tallow spices. Such fads soon spread to France, Britain and other European countries. Seventeenth century, Paul Feminis prepare a kind of wonderful fragrant smell of the liquid, because he was living in Cologne, Germany, hence the name "cologne." Later, hobbies clothing and cosmetics on the special love of French perfume, perfume went on to become a high fashion ladies hands essential supplies.
Since the latter half of the nineteenth century, perfume manufacturing technology is relatively mature, the early volatile solvent distillation is replaced by heat is not born in France of synthetic fragrances, perfumes are no longer limited natural flavor, which makes the perfume industry quickly development. As Frenchman was like leather gloves plus fragrances, and the best is to go looking for this glove Grasse (Grasse), this French city also gradually prosper because of this trade, and its perfume industry has been very good development, the French will soon have the world's perfume capital of the title.

⒈ ambergris
For a long time no one knows its origin, in fact, that it was from a sperm whale eating a squid after discharge, a round floating in the tropical sea and the waves washed over the beach, shapes and sizes. Dry before use at least blowing three years.

⒉ musk
Himalayan musk deer from the male body extract granular crystals thylakoid about walnut size, the extraction process without killing musk deer. This is all spice varieties, the most intense flavor, you can drop the handkerchief fragrant 40 years.

⒊ civet
From the tail of a cat incense inside thylakoid extract secretions, looks a bit like butter, Ethiopia, Myanmar and Thailand have this civet produced.
⒋ castoreum
Sacs from inside beaver extract of a red-brown creamy discharge. From the 9th century AD, since someone with the earliest users of the Arabs.