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英语翻译请帮我用英语翻译出来,不要用软件翻译的,荷塘细雨 茉莉花是孕育勃勃芬香,茶叶是中国绿茶之魁,它们都是圣洁得灵物,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:40:15
荷塘细雨 茉莉花是孕育勃勃芬香,茶叶是中国绿茶之魁,它们都是圣洁得灵物,所以从中焕发出生机勃勃的气息 ,如荷花般
落英缤纷 花开花落本是大自然的规律,世人看见花落总是发出无可奈的叹息,然而在茶壶中落英缤纷可是一道亮丽得美景,
空山灵泉 流水像山泉在吟唱,那是大自然的心声,冲泡花茶需要用90度左右得沸水,看壶中得热谁倾泻而下,像空山灵泉,去任心智,使人惊醒.
天人合一 冲泡花茶我们一般选用三才杯,这杯盖代表天,杯托代表地,中间的茶杯则代表人.这闷茶的过程代表天地人三才合一
我们用左手持杯,用 中指夹杯,拇指拖住杯托,为翘起兰花指,我们称为彩凤双飞翼.男士则并三指托杯并收好小指,我们称为桃园三结义.在这花茶中我们能品悟出生活得芬芳,品悟出人间的至美,品悟出人间得百味.
感悟清香 来 想在请大家细细得闻一闻,这杯中飘出的是花香,是茶香,也是茶人的清香.
英语翻译请帮我用英语翻译出来,不要用软件翻译的,荷塘细雨 茉莉花是孕育勃勃芬香,茶叶是中国绿茶之魁,它们都是圣洁得灵物,
Hawthorn is the source and Bobo Fen drizzle jasmine incense,green tea,Chinese tea is the Bloc,they are holy objects have souls,so full of vitality from the atmosphere,such as Lotus
This spring's clear language,such as miscellaneous,Flower acoustic sound of clouds,such as hot cup Furongchushui through the procedures Cup cleaner,quieter mind,we,like flowers after the rain,with a mind to appreciate scented tea That sweet,the Qin Xin Ya Yun.
Luoying colorful flowers bloom is the law of nature,people always see the flowers can not be issued a sigh of Chennai,but in the pot in a bright luoying colorful but a beautiful,
Hill Air Lingquan like water singing in the spring,it is the voice of nature,the need to brew tea with boiling water was about 90 degrees,in a hot pot to see who is pouring down,like empty Lingquan Hill,to any mental,is awakened.
Harmony between man and nature in general,we brew tea selection Sancai Cup,the lid on behalf of the day,asked on behalf of the Cup,in the middle of the cup is representative.This stuffy tea in the process on behalf of the Earth-in-one Sancai
Flower tea
Fengcha not only offer you the tea,the more you get the best of the human world was the most beautiful tea Ren Zhiqing.
We are left with Cup holders,with the middle finger folder Cup,thumb cup stall care,in order to tilt Lan Huazhi,we Cai-feng known as the Flying Wing.Three men were also refers to the Cup up close and good little finger,we called the knot just three in Taoyuan.In this scented tea in goods to realize that we can live with people of talent,goods to the United States and the world realize that the world must realize goods Subway.
Sentiment in the fragrance would like to invite you to hear in detail a smell,which is Piaochu Cup floral tea is,who is also the fragrance of tea.
英语翻译请帮我用英语翻译出来,不要用软件翻译的,荷塘细雨 茉莉花是孕育勃勃芬香,茶叶是中国绿茶之魁,它们都是圣洁得灵物, 英语翻译这样可以使他们高兴`````请不要用翻译软件 那翻译出来是错的``全都是用翻译软件翻译的`我这里有8套翻译软件` 英语翻译请把以下内容翻译成英文,不要用翻译软件,因为翻译软件都是词语翻译成不了句子,语法不正确,翻译出来的东西,完全看不 英语翻译请大家不要用软件翻译 ,软件翻译是不准确的 ,希望高手帮我解决下燃眉之急.要求用翻译之后再用软件英汉互相转换翻译 英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻译出来的句子,把它翻译得准确完整 英语翻译请帮我把下面英语翻译成中文.用翻译软件翻译的就不要发上来了!翻译软件翻译的不够准确,我要的是比较准确的翻译.急, 英语翻译请高手帮我翻译,Maximilian Hecker的snow white.不要软件翻译的.下面是原版英文歌词~0 英语翻译帮我翻译一下,不要翻译软件翻译出来的那种,This power is radiatedisotropically 英语翻译请翻译:中国不锈钢带会的直接来,再次声明,我要的是中国不锈钢带,不是中国不锈钢,用翻译软件翻译的不要贴上来了,我 英语翻译希望翻译出来的句子没有语法错误,不要翻译软件的答案,请用括号给的词汇翻译,1.本杰明富兰克林不仅是政治家而且还是 请大家帮我用英语翻译一下小短文,请不要用翻译软件,谢谢 英语翻译请不要用翻译软件,希望是个人的翻译