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英语翻译Bowling Alley bowl with the red ball go through the door

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 19:12:59
Bowling Alley bowl with the red ball
go through the door with arrow next to it climb on top of the car and
press the button.You just turned off the escalator function of the
stairs.Go in to the Theatre Room use the exit with the lit sign
Record Shop give captain hook your dollar.Go back to the other exit
door (unlit exit sign) Vegas Room go through the hole to the Bowling
Alley use stairs in corner Dining Room go through Kitchen to the Bar
play the record on the juke box.Happy Days are here again.Inspect
door next to juke box to unlock it now you can open it.Foyer go
upstairs you are in Upstairs Hallway #1 go through door to left
Upstairs Hallway #2 follow hallway to first door you come to and
enter.Jack's Room take a load off by sitting on his bed,climb up
ladder take statue of liberty statue.Answer phone,examine glass
doors to open them.Go to hallway back the way you came,go through
the blue door.TV Room answer phone,turn on tv.Go downstairs to
Kitchen ,talk to chef Escargo go to Dining Room answer phone,leave
room through white door to Foyer here's mud in your eye.Go back to
Kitchen once again talk to chef Escargo he will give you a platter and
instruct you to put it on the table in the Dining Room but not to look
at it.go back to Kitchen talk to Escargo then go to Dining Room and
look at the platter.Leave dining room go Upstairs there's that weasel
Napolean head him off at the pass.Go into the room down the hall
Closet Room look in one of the closets there's Napolean again head him
off at the pass.Not this time leave and go to the TV Room have a seat
in the chair against the wall to ponder how to catch that darn dog.
Go back to the Closet Room take a peak inside any of the closets.
英语翻译Bowling Alley bowl with the red ball go through the door
穿过旁边有箭头的门.爬到车上面再按按钮.你刚停止了电梯.进入剧场在从上面有发亮的EXIT(出口)标志的门出去.唱片店里给Captain Hook你的美元.回到另一个出口(没有发亮的EXIT标志的门).Vegas房里从洞里到保龄球馆.上角落里的楼梯来到餐厅,穿过厨房到酒吧.用自动唱机放首歌.“快乐的时刻又来了“(歌)检查自动唱机旁的门可打开它.来到休息室,上楼来到楼上走廊#1,从左边的门来到楼上走廊#2,沿着走走到第一个门,进入.来到Jack的房间,坐在他的床上休息休息.爬上梯子拿自由女神像.接电话,检查打开玻璃门.回到走廊,穿过蓝色的门.电视房,接电话,打开电视.下楼到厨房,与厨师Escargo讲话,他给你一个大盘子,叫你把它放在餐厅桌上担不要看里面是什么.回到厨房与厨师Escargo讲话再去餐厅,看盘子里的东西.离开餐厅上楼.Napolean 那小子在那,把它赶走.进入走廊后的房间.衣橱间,在衣橱里又有Napolean 那小子,再次把它赶走.去电视房.座在椅子上想想如何抓那只混狗.回到衣橱房,看看任何的衣橱.