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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 03:14:17
自古以来,人类对于未知的事物总是抱有异乎寻常的好奇心.“神存在么”,这个问题在千百年来被人问了无数遍.无神论者认为神是完全不存在的,是虚幻的.而更多的人确认为自己切身感受到了神的恩惠,而且,这样的人越来越多.在Moody的书中,David一直提倡神的存在和重要性.而他的对手,Oscar 却一直想法设法难倒David,以证明神是不存在的.在这其中,Sophie一直保持着中立,她既不相信谁,也从不反对谁.在这本书中,Moody循序渐进的向世人展示了神是万物的根源,是万能的造物主,and so on.虽然从没有一个人亲眼见到过神,但是,千百年来人们对于神的切身感受都在不断的向我们传达着这样的一个信息:神确实存在.
From if old,human beings are especially curious about the unknown.The question "Does God exist" has been asked heaps of times.Antitheists don't think God exist at all.They think God is visional.But more poeple felt God's grace by themselves.And the number of these people get bigger and bigger.In Moody's book,David always advocate God's subsist and its importance.But Oscar,his rival,always try to find ways to daunt David to prove that God does not exist.In the mean time,Sophie always keep her neutrality.She is not not believing or agaist any one.In this book,step by step,Moody showed earthling that God is the radix of everything and the almighty creator,and so on.Although nobody had seen God with his own eyes,for thousands of years people's experiences are transmitting a mesage to us:God does exist.