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if i had a time machine,i will go back to a lon

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 23:27:38
if i had a time machine,i will go back to a lon
time ago the mayan tribes there,have a look what they predicted the end of the world,2012 what is it right?.读音
if i had a time machine,i will go back to a lon
Hours after being asked this question,I was still thinking about it!The purpose of asking this question was to see how I think.What would I do and why?If I were to ask this same question to a prospective employee,I’d be most interested in hearing his/her reasoning for going ahead or back in time.
If the candidate said that he wanted to go to the future so that he could fast-forward to living with fame and success,I wouldn’t be impressed.Such an answer shows that the candidate sees ends as the means,and wishes to skip past the hard labor and work.I’d want to work with people who enjoyed working everyday,regardless of the money and success that we all obviously want.
On the other hand,if the person said that he wanted to go back in time,I’d be most interested in what he would do or change about the past.It’s not as easy to give a bad answer here — you either regret your past and choose to fix it,or you go back in the past to re-experience something amazing.One reader even suggested that I go back in time to witness a piece of history.Meet a historical figure!Something like that…
So you ask,how did I answer?I told the interviewer everything I wrote above — essentially why I wouldn’t go in the future,and my possible reasoning for going in the past.In the end,I decided not to use that time machine.I appreciate the bad and embarrassing experiences I’ve had in the past because I’ve learned most from my mistakes.In hindsight,it would be pretty cool to go back in time just to witness the Seneca Falls Convention or the drafting of our constitution.Beats me!
its really interesting to go there,as we know just not a bit what will happen it,
visiting past will sound a bit boring because we people know that what has happened in the past (just simply think "Do you like to watch a movie,whose story is very known to you?") i don't mean that visiting past is useless,as it may help us to know our surroundings,but personally i think visiting future is a better idea!
visiting future will be more adventures,and in future,i'd like to visit when we get connected to aliens,we can change ourselves(by cloning,and by modifying our chromosomes,DNA and all materials round the cell,we can fly,live 200 years,and there are many things possible by it!) AND ya i would surely like to be teleported
First,let me say that this is a very complex question with pros and cons for both options,but I believe I would opt to go back in the past.I would go back to see loved ones,long since departed,to tell them I love them; I would go back to right any wrongs I have done; I would go back armed with information to share the issues that plague us today,such as dependency on oil,global warming,flooding,and terrorism,to share with the people and leaders of that time in an effort to convince them to carefully consider the actions and decisions they made to circumvent the unnecessary deaths brought about by wars and terrorist,and the crippling effect that oil dependency has wrought; and I would take all of the medical advances that has benefited mankind,as well as the blunders such as AIDs.
I would warn Christians that their complacency leaves the door wide open for discrimination against their faith and beliefs.I would tell them that as they sit passively by,prayer would be outlawed in schools,and any symbol reflective of their faith and the faith of our founding fathers would be illegal to display on any government property.
I would go back - go back in an effort to preserve the family unit,warning against rampant taxes and credit that would only serve to enslave both parents to a life filled with working outside the home just to provide for their children; and that in doing so their children,their unattended children,would turn to drugs and gangs in their absence.
Yes,I would go back and I would paint a bleak picture for the future to the people of that era in hopes that they would listen and move in a different direction to bring about change in their day that would change the complexion of the world today.
But,alas,we cannot go back,we can only travel into the future one day at a time.So,instead I continue to pray for each day and God's merciful hand to be on us in the future.