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英语翻译Our environment is in trouble.People and industries are

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:46:50
Our environment is in trouble.People and industries are polluting the air,rivers,lakes,and seas,You may think that there's nothing you can do to help.That's not ture.In fact,there are many things you can do to help the environment.Here are a few.
The burining of gasoline is one of the biggest ources of carbon monoxide(CO) in the atmosphere.Some people believe that Co is causing global warming.They think CO thins the ozone layer,which protects us from the sun's rays.So try to walk,bicycle,or us piblic transportation.And if you drive a car,drive at a steady speed-this more efficient than speeding up and slowing down.
Don't us disposable products.In a single year,people in the United State use enough disposable diapers to reach to the moon and back seven times.If yu use disposable products,use products made from recycled materials.Also,recycle whenever possible.Recycling on aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours.
The biggest use of home energy is for heating and cooling homes.So rurn the heat down,especially at night.Replace regular light bulbs with fluorescent or halogen bulbs,which use less energy.
Showers use a lot or water.In one week a typical American family uses as much water as a person drinks in three years!Buying a special "low-flow" shower head or taking shorter showers can cut this use in half.Also,fix any leaky faucets.
英语翻译Our environment is in trouble.People and industries are
汽油燃烧一氧化碳 (CO) 最大来源之一.人们认为 Co 正在引起全球变暖.他们认为 CO 使臭氧层变薄,而臭氧层保护我们免于太阳射线.因此我们可以尝试走步,踏脚踏车乘公共交通工具试.而且如果你驾驶汽车,以稳定的速度 驾驶比加速减速行使(利用汽油的)效率更高.

洗澡使用很多水.在一个星期中一个典型的美国家庭用的水可供一个人喝三年!买一个特别的 " 小水流 " 的水龙头可以用减少一半水.同时,拧紧任何的漏的龙头.