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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 07:53:14

Nowhere does it shine more brightly than in the area's blindingly colorful tribal markets.

The cocks have hooked blades strapped to their claws and are then encouraged to fight to the death.

The potentially potent mahuwa flowers,resembling dates,are still as popular as ever,as are(这个are什么来的啊= =)the red ants which are used either for medicinal purposes or eaten as a snack.



The potentially potent mahuwa flowers,resembling dates,are still as popular as ever,as are the red ants which are used either for medicinal purposes (their sting has antibacterial qualities) or just eaten as a snack
浓郁的 mahuwa flowers(印度的一种果子)如同蜜饯(晒干后)一样深受大众喜爱.
这里用are 是照应 red ants 复数
再问: 为什么前两句没有翻译的= =
我觉得那个are 好奇怪,为什么会用在那里啊?
再答: In remote, isolated Chhattisgarh, India’s tribal life continues to thrive. Surrounded by mountains, forests and waterfalls, more than 40 different tribes call the area home, which makes for politically unstable but culturally vibrant communities. Ultra-leftist Naxalite guerillas terrorise small pockets of northern Chhattisgarh, but in more peaceful areas like Bastar, rich cultural diversity shines. And nowhere does it shine more brightly than in the area’s blindingly colourful tribal markets.

不能只截一句话,,要有上下文才好。这个地方(India’s tribal village markets)比任何地方都鲜活亮丽。