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英语翻译1 梗概 小说的主人公纽兰·阿切尔就生活在这样一个排外的社会阶层,即将与门当户对的梅·韦兰完婚.然而,在和梅的表

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 04:29:02
1 梗概 小说的主人公纽兰·阿切尔就生活在这样一个排外的社会阶层,即将与门当户对的梅·韦兰完婚.然而,在和梅的表姐埃伦·奥兰斯卡相见后,阿切尔才发觉其心爱的未婚妻、大家闺秀的梅的种种缺点,并感受到这奢侈浮华、狭小闭塞世界的层层局限.埃伦·奥兰斯卡在与自己道貌岸然的欧洲贵族丈夫分道扬镳后,不久迁入纽约.焕发着自由精神的埃伦成熟迷人,很快阿切尔、埃伦两人坠入爱河.但他们彼此很清楚,无论两人逃亡何处,他们的爱情注定逃脱不了悲剧的结局,最终还是选择了分离.
英语翻译1 梗概 小说的主人公纽兰·阿切尔就生活在这样一个排外的社会阶层,即将与门当户对的梅·韦兰完婚.然而,在和梅的表
Novel's protagonist,Newland Archer lives in this most exclusive of social classes,and tying the knot Mei·weilan married.However,after the meet up with may's cousin ailun·aolansika,realized his beloved fiancée,Lady Archer's shortcomings,and to feel the luxury frills,layers of occlusion of small world limited.Ailun·aolansika in the European Aristocrat husband when he parted ways with his sanctimonious,and soon moved to New York.Free spirit full of mature charm of Ellen,Archer,Ellen,the two men soon fell in love.But they know each other very well,regardless of where the two men fled,they love can't escape the tragic end,eventually selecting the separation