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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 21:29:35
Ⅰ. broad 指幅面的宽广,侧重表面上的广阔宏大,指人时多形容背、肩、胸等,在较正式或文学性较强的文体中,也可用来描写河流、街道、田野、峡谷等和地形有关的其它东西.如:
The road is 8 metres broad.
Ⅱ. wide 指一边到另一边的空间距离,侧重两端之间距离的宽大,指人时多形容眼睛、口等.如:
This skirt is too wide.
broad 和wide 的反义词都是narrow.
[语法]:度量表示法: “数词+名词(量)+wide(broad)/long长/thick厚/deep深/high高/tall 身高/around周长”

§102 build/ found/ put up/ set up
Ⅰ. build “建筑、建造”指施工建筑,如房屋、桥梁、道路等的建造,也可用于广义.如:
We are building socialism with China’s style. 我们正在建设具有中国特色的社会主义.
Ⅱ. found “创立、成立、创办”批创立一个组织、机构、国家等.如:
① They founded(=built) a school for the blind. 他们创办了一亿盲人学校.
② The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于是1949年.
Ⅲ. put up 和set up 人含义很多,但他们在表示“搭起、竖起、挂起”以及表建筑物“建起”的意思时,可以通用.只不过put up 比set up 要常见些.如:
① The boys put up (set up) their tents in the woods. 孩子们在树林里搭起了帐篷.
② They have put up(set up) several cattle sheds for the team. 他们为队里建造了几个牛棚.
但set up 在表示“建起、成立”某一机构团体时,不能用put up 替换.如:
The factory set up a night school last month. 这个工厂上月成立了一所夜校.

§103 but/ however
Ⅰ. 都有“然而,但是”的意思.However 比较正式,可以放在句首、句中或句尾;其前面或后面要加逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号,不能与but 连用;而but只放在句首.如:
① I’d like to go swimming with you, but I have to tidy the garden now. 我很想和你去游泳,但是我现在必须整理花园.
② It’s raining hard, however, they’re still working in the field. 雨下得很大,然而他们仍然在地里干活.
③ Later, however, she decided to buy it. 可是后来她决定去买下它.
① He said it was so, he was mistaken, however.

§104 crowd / group / team
Ⅰ. group “小组、团体”,与 team 是同义词.指因任何目的或原因而聚集在一起所形成的群体.搭配范围较广;
team 指工作、行为或游戏时在一起的群体,尤指体育比赛的“队”,搭配范围较窄.如:
① a study group 学习小组; a discussion group 讨论小组
② a basketball team 篮球队 a medical team 医疗队
Ⅱ. group 指“人群”时,与crowd同义.group 所指人数可多可少,但常指“较小”的人群,且表示有组织有秩序的一群人;

§105 by oneself/ for oneself/ to oneself/ of oneself
Ⅰ.by oneself“单独地;独立地”(=without help, alone).如:
Did you do this by yourself or did someone help you? 是你自己做的,还是别人帮你做的?
Ⅱ. “本身;本身的性质”如:
① Diamond is hard in itself. 钻石本来是硬的.
Ⅲ.for oneself “为自己(的利益而做某事);独自地(与by oneself 同义)”.如:
② He has built a house for himself. 他为自己建造了一幢房子.
③ You must find it out for yourself. 你必须自己把它找出来.
Ⅳ.of oneself “自然而然地;自动地”为不及物动词.如:
④ The fire died of oneself. 火自己熄灭了.
Ⅴ.to oneself“默默地”“暗自”,常与talk , say, think等动词连用.如;
⑤ He said to himself that there was something wrong. 他想这其中有毛病.
[注]:say to oneself “在心里想”,talk/ speak to oneself“自言自语”两者不可混淆.

§106 by train/ on(in)a the train
二者都有“乘车”之意.当使用介词by表方式时,其后交通工具名词前不用冠词.或其它任何表限定的修饰词,如形容词性物主代词,批示代词等.反之则用介词in (较小的工具如car等);on (较大的交通工具,如train等).如:on the bus, in his car.

§107 by/ at/ the end of ; in/to/ on the end
Ⅰ. by the end of “在……末以前”“到……末为止”后一般接时间名词.如年、月、周等.也可接表活动的名词,如strike.
Ⅱ. at the end of “在……的尽头”,“在……的末端”如:
① At the end of the book there is an index. 书后附有索引.
② We shall have an exam at the end of the month. 本月末我们将有次考试.
Ⅲ. in the end “最终;终于”,后不接of 短语.如:
I hope everything will turn out all right in the end. 我希望最终一切都顺利.

§108 by/ near
Ⅰ.by“就在… …旁边”,表示距离更近.如:
① We have by the sea.(暗示我们可以看见大海)
② We live near the sea.(也许我们离海边还有几里远)
Ⅱ.near表示的距离稍远些.见上例.近离.ofits. of enormous sum of money.

§109 by/ till
Ⅰ.by“到… …之前”“不迟于”仅指动作发生在限定时间之内或到某一时间为止.如:
①Can you repair my watch by Friday? 你能在星期五之前把表修好吗?(句中时间最迟到星期五,动词可以是瞬间的,也可以是持续的)
I shall go on working till/untill next Monday. (此种情况只能用于肯定句中动词必须是延续的)
当untill与not连用时,意为“直到… …才”,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性的.如:
I don’t go to bed untill/till you come.

§110 call on/ visit/ go to see/ drop in
I visited my aunt in Bejing in the summer holidays. 暑假我探望了在北京的姨妈.
Ⅱ.call on有时可代替visit,但只限于人.访问某地方则用call at.如:
We called on Prefessor Liu a few days ago. 前几天我们拜访了刘教授.
Ⅲ.go to see为普通用语,一般用于人.如:
Tom is ill. Let’s go to see him after school.汤姆病了,我们放学后去看他吧.
Ⅳ.drop in特指顺路探访,多用于口语.如:
Would you like to drop in and have a cup of tea? 你顺便来喝杯茶,好吗?