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就是 写两人之间的对话,
第一章 夫妻间生活守则
第一条 婚后不与家公家婆同住.
A. 同住之定义是指不能共同居住於同一区.
B. 同区之定义是根据香港特区政府之区域划分法.
C. 同住之定义亦指於廿四小时内共同逗留於同一室内超过十二小时.
D. 家公家婆亦泛指男家之所有亲友.
第二条 未得妻子同意,恕不招待男家之亲友.
第三条 未得妻子同意,丈夫不能勉强妻子与男家亲友聚会.
The first chapter of marital life codes
First of marriage and family do not live public woman.
A. The definition is the living can not live together in the same district.
B. definition of the same district of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Act region.
C. The definition also means living in the 24-hour period of stay in the same room together more than 12 hours.
D.-government Great Nanjie also refers to all the relatives.
Second wife without the consent of relatives will not honor Nanjie.
Article 3, without the consent of the wife, husband and wife can barely Nanjie relatives and friends gathered.
The fourth wife of the husband not to lie.
A. Whether or malicious lies are good, do not be accepted.
B. husband to his wife without any cover up, what is required of part or all of the facts.
Article 5 of the man, Ruzhu, home husband to be responsible for all domestic chores, including Cou Aberdeen, cooking and Xishan, washing toilets, and so on.
A. people regardless of their predecessors, they all must carry out the men, Nu:zhu outside the premise.
B. wife for the husband will no longer face any cover up or show, in a bid to deceive the man's friends and relatives.
Article 6 of all the work to re-wife, a husband may not interfere with his wife's work, or to make any impact on the work of the wife moves.
Article 7 of their financial independence between husband and wife, but the husband and son to be responsible for the cost-of-living home.
Chapter II husband personal code
First of not access pornographic sites.
A. including the legal or illegal establishments.
B. shall not use any excuse in the premises after, or stay out.
Article II of the excessive gambling.
A. including the legal or illegal gambling.
Article 3 of the use of prohibited drugs.
Article IV of the excessive intake of alcohol.
Article 5 may not be outside with his wife or family members of the opposite sex are excessive, and unnecessary act of intimacy.
A. "is necessary", "excessive" or "intimacy" from the definition of wife-defined.
Article 6 not to hurt his wife's behavior, including psychological, physiological, "injury" is defined to his wife's feelings in mind.
Article 7 not violate any laws.
Article 8 of the same friends Sueji, also known as AK meet.
A. The identity card number for Sueji K267xx3 (2)
B. Sueji name of the Chinese code for the 1667 2348 3233
9 breaches of the contents of prenuptial agreement.
The third chapter details of marital relations
The first husband of the need to regularly report to the whereabouts of his wife.
Second husband at any time, are not lost contact with his wife.
A. any pretext, for example, did not take telephones, telephone冇…, such as the reasons for variance be accepted.
Article 3 referred to the husband or wife tend not content of the work.
Article 4, or her husband can not attempt to influence his wife's intention, views and the views of things.
Article 5, if things between husband and wife to hold different views to the views of his mind for the final.
Sixth not indulged in the work of her husband, neglected family life, all to the family at heart.
Article 7, cares for her husband to his wife, his wife every night to serve until his wife can sleep sleep.
Article 8 of the husband had a responsibility to understand the preferences of his wife and the wife should do its utmost to meet the requirements.
9 husband should respect his wife will be reluctant to do any non-voluntary wife to do.
Article 10 of the home lost his temper, not even a dispute in front of the children.
第四条 丈夫不得向妻子说谎.
A. 不论谎话是善意或恶意,均不被接纳.
B. 丈夫对妻子不得有任何隐瞒,所讲的必需是事实之部份或全部.
第五条 男主内,女主外,丈夫要负责家中一切家务杂务,包括凑仔、煮饭、洗衫、洗厕所等等.
A. 不论人前人后,均要贯彻男主内,女主外的大前提.
B. 妻子不会再为丈夫的面子作任何掩饰或做戏,以图瞒骗男方的亲友.
第六条 一切以妻子的工作为重,丈夫不得干涉妻子的工作,或作出任何影响妻子工作的举动.
第七条 夫妻间各自财政独立,唯丈夫需负责家用及儿子的生活费.
第二章 丈夫个人守则
第一条 不得出入色情场所.
A. 包括合法或非法之色情场所.
B. 不得以任何藉口在有关场所经过、出入或逗留.
第二条 不可沉迷赌博.
A. 包括合法或非法之赌博.
第三条 不可服食违禁药物.
第四条 不可摄取过量酒精.
第五条 不得与妻子或家人以外的异性有过份、及不必要之亲昵举动.
A. ”是否必要〃、”过份〃或” 亲昵〃之定义由妻子介定.
第六条 不可作出伤害妻子的行为,包括心理上、生理上,”伤害〃之定义以妻子的感觉为依归.
第七条 不可触犯任何法例.
第八条 不可相约损友苏亚基,又名AK见面.
A. 苏亚基的身份证号码为K267xx3(2)
B. 苏亚基姓名之中文电码为1667 2348 3233
第九条 不可违反婚前协议书的内容.
第三章 夫妻间相处细节
第一条 丈夫需要定时向妻子报告行踪.
第二条 丈夫在任何时刻,均不能与妻子失去联络.
A. 任何藉口,例如没有带电话、电话冇电…之类原因,皆不被接纳.
第三条 丈夫不能探问或提及妻子的工作内容.
第四条 丈夫不能企图或意图影响妻子的观点意见、以及对事物的看法.
第五条 若夫妻间对事物持有不同意见,以妻子的意见为最后依归.
第六条 丈夫不可沉迷工作,忽略家庭生活,一切需以家庭为重.
第七条 丈夫需关心爱护妻子,每晚要服侍妻子,待妻子入睡方能睡觉.
第八条 丈夫有责任了解妻子之喜好,并应尽其所能满足妻子的要求.
第九条 丈夫应尊重妻子意愿,不可勉强妻子做任何非自愿去做的事.
第十条 不可在家发脾气,更不能在孩子面前发生争执.