作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 01:13:54
初二上Follow me
1 give you some advice
2 write emails message to each other
3 correct the mistakes
4 check your vocabulary
5 listen to the radio in English
6 translate every word
7 do some concerts
8 make some mistakes
9 have a pen fridens
10 ask for advice
11 ask for help
12 improve one’s English
13 start / have a conversation
14 take a deep breath
15 count the number English word
16 make a list
17 make friends with sb
18 play a few games
19 invite sb to do sth
20 practure speaking English
21 get good / bad marks
22 make an English study plan
23 choose the correct answer
24 help sb with / do sth
25 forget to do
forget doing
26 remember to do
remember doing
27 the correct spelling
28 the meaning of the new words
29 the Language Doctor
30 the three basic questions
31 a foreign teacher
32 British accents
33 Engish language sites
34 film in English
35 for example
36 English around you
37 in class
38 in your notebook
39 in her school orchestra
40 in the street
41 on pieces of paper
42 on the Internet
43 on China Radio International
44 in the passage
45 in your hometown
46 in the order
47 all the time
48 spoken Engish
49 be good / bad for
50 be good / bad at
Module 1-2
1 have a dream
one’s dream come true
dream of / about doing sth
2 enter a competition
3 travel around the world
4 have / give a concert
5 show / take sb around
6 invite sb to visit sw
7 send sb sth
8 write a letter to sb
9 write down sb / sth
10 take photos of stone animals
11 stay with sb
12 match A and B
13 sound brillant / great
14 enjoy messages about life in Beijing
15 read today’s newspaper
16 climb the Great Wall
17 eat roost duck
18 try seafood
19 pick up sth
20 go abroad
21 take off
22 land safely at / in / on
23 ly to different places
24 live in another aountry
25 sell out
26 a fantastic holiday
27 a wonderful experience
28 travel brochure
29 on the west of the USA
30 again an again
31 test message
33 the prize of the ticket
34 the first prize
35 Back street Boys
36 Air China captain
37 Bye for now
38 Disneylnd theme park
39 entertainment programme
40 the Palace Museum
41 each year / every year
42 one day / someday
43 the house of my dreams
44 at the end
45 at the airport
46 in the cabin
47 in the seat
48 in Chinatown
49 in the hotel
50 in a concert
Module 3
1 journey to space
2 spaceship / spacetravel
3 space shuttle
4 space station
5 space travel
6 space mission
7 China’s first unmaned space travel
8 model plane
9 millions of years
10 the latest news
11 a long way away
12 anyone famous
13 as tell as
as fast as
as good as
as ols as
14 so far
15 the srarts at night
16 life on Earth
17 in our solar system space travel
18 in the Milkey Way
19 in our Galaxy
20 in the universe
21 in space
22 on business
23 on the moon
24 on Mars
25 on other planets
26 beyond the Solar system
27 the lastest three years
28 discover no life on the Mars
29 send message back to Earth
30 work on the space
31 feel lonely
32 live alone
33 get its name farm
34 is named after
35 return safely
36 write back
37 keep it secret
38 go around the sun
39 travel around
40 move around
41 turn around
42 cirde around
Module 4
1 a school for poor children
2 in fact
3 Project Hope
4 an eight-year-old boy
5 with the Help of
6 with the money
7 in China and abroad
8 a school with no electricity
9 because of
10 for 2 years = sine 2 years ago
11 get on well / badly with sb
12 hear about / of
13 drop out of school
14 stop going to school
15 pay + money for sth
16 pay sb + money + for sth
17 build schools and hospitals
18 train doctors and teachers
19 give 2.2 billion yuan
20 raise money for different project
21 grow fruit and coffee
22 a leafelt about the Hope School
23 ask sb for miney
24 take about education
25 describe life for poor family
26 point to / at
27 six point two
28 children and addtel
Module 5
1 types of music
2 modern
3 classical
4 traditional
5 pop
6 folk music ( dance / song )
7 jazz / rock / techno / rap gospel music
8 bules / light / music
9 Chinese and western music
10 a fan of music / music fan
11 play all types of instruments
12 play the piano / violin / guitar
13 play the drum / trumpet / organ
14 play Erhu
play / write for a classical music
15 write music / songs
16 make records / films
17 led by a conductor
18 bring Chinese and weatern music together
19 describe China to the rest of the world
20 a group of musicians
21 pieces of music
22 family of musicians
23 make sb / sth + adj
24 keep sb / sth + adj
25 bring westernand Chinese music together
when to play quietly / loudly
26 write and play music for
27 have lots of hit records
28 get a part-time job
29 get his own TV show
30 get one’s messages
31 check information
32 go to his neigbourhood church together
33 buy one string a month
34 practise after school
35 go on holiday
36 hear the phone
37 show …… around
38 give concert
39 die yound
40 make sure
41 a city on the river Danube
42 in the right places
43 the centre of European classical music
44 the capital city of Austria
45 a large group of musicians
46 popular culture
47 the main inseruments
Module 6
1 go / walk across the road / bridge / field
2 go walk through the forests
3 jump over the wall
4 ran past / by Alice
5 go to a tea party
6 have a farewell party
7 sea / hear / watch / notice / listen to
8 perfrom a story in class
9 lie in bed listening to music
10 smile at everyone
11 laugh at sb
12 have something / nothing to do
have notjing / something to do with
13 read a novel / a baak / a magazine
14 watch TV / football match
15 clap and cheer
Asventure stories
Famous stories
16 think of / about
17 get tired
18 get up
20 jump out of bed
21 take sth out of
22 try to find out
23 fall / go into a lauge hole
24 sit by the river
25 play with a ball
26 start reading alone
27 look into sth
28 come / get out again
29 make a daisy chain
30 make a just of famous English book
tell you the time
31 with out pictures or conversations
32 under the hedge
33 raddit with a pocket
34 a ribbit with pink eyes
35 nothing stange
36 something wrong
37 on the grass
38 in the garden
39 on one’s way to
40 during the way
Module 7
1 thank sb for sth
2 thanks for doing sth
3 say goodbye
4 say hello to each other
5 look people in the eye
6 the first time they meet
7miss sb very much
8 miss the early bus
9 find each other easily
10 go to the airport
11 make a strong impression on sb
12 have a feeling of cold
13 It’s polite to do sth
14 It’s rude to do sth
15 be angry with sb
16 angry at / about sth
17 be excited about
18 be proud of sb
19 can’t wait to do
20 introduce sb to
21 hear from sb = reseive a letter from sb
22 shake hands with sb
23 see sb off
24 go to sw to meet sb
25 do sth wrong = make some mistake
26 recognise sb from
27 stire at sb
28 have a try = want to go
29 be afraid of sth
be afraid to do sth
be afraid that
30 get ready for
get ready to do
31 in informal situations
32 wear jeans and T-shirt
33 carry warm coat
34 so much food
35 some cholocate
Module 8
1 on the right / left
2 in front of / behind
3 next to / near
4 in the middle / centre of
5 on / at / in the corner of
6 on the other side of
7 over there
8 between A and B
9 among
10 at the turning / crossing
11 at the traffic lights
12 at the square
13 at the station / bank
14 at the restaurant
15 at the flower shop
16 on a clear day
17 at the head of the aquare
18 at the end of the road
19 a museum with lots of famous paintings
20 the city’s oldest palace
21 the old fruit and vegetable market
22 around town
23 a map of London
24 on the map
25 the short tour of London
26 nine hurdred years old
27 the best way
28 street musicians
29 welcome to Beijing
30 go past the church
31 walk past past the church
31 walk past the station
32 get off / on …at the stop
33 turn right into
34 take the second turning on the left
35 go along the street
go straight ahead
go across the road
go through the forget
36 天安门广场
38 中国历史博物馆
39 中国革命博物馆
40 毛主席纪念堂
41 人民大会堂
42 冬宫
43 白金汉宫
44 汉会大厦
46 伦敦眼
47 塔桥
48 伦敦塔
49 圣彼得大教堂
50 圣彼得堡
51 国家画廊
52 自由女神像
53 悉尼歌剧院
54 白宫
56 圣彼得桥
Module 9
1 endangered animals
= animals indanger
2 nature research
3 WWF for Nature
4 for example
5 such as
6 as a result
7 if possible
8 the cause of the problem
9 for many different reasons
10 the symbol for
11 cut down forests
12 make a new plan
13 plant more bamboo
14 save and protect animals
15 take away the land ( forests )
16 design a poster
17 give an example
18 live in peace
19 become rare
20 mainly live on bamboo
21 protect the animals better
22 stop killing
23 kill the animals for their meat and sin
24 stop sb from doing sth
25 do some research of sth
26 provide sth for
27 pollute environment
28 have on food to eat
29 have enough land to live on
30 be excited to do sth
31 something safe
32 born in the zoo
33 orange and black
34 long and thin
35 tiger’s cousin
36 more and more
37 a long way to go
38 in the wild
39 in the sea / ocean
40 in Southwest China
41 too … to
not … enough
so … that
Module 10
1 in the twentieth century
in the 20th century
2 one day
someday / some day
3 too … to
4 as well as / too / also
5 not especially
6 almost improssible
7 on idea
8 be famous for
be known for
9 be full of
be filled with
10 be named a “People Artist ”
be named a “Gteat Master of Language ”
11 the centure of the neighbourhood
12 folk music
13 the South of Music
14 at the Teacher’s School
15 Great Teacher 600 BC-200 BC
16 Anti Japanese War
17 the Qing Dynasty
18 places of interest
19 sth special
20 main thing
21 between … and …
22 say goodbye to
23 say sorry to
24 say hello to
25 take an interest in
26 become interest in
27 give sb a warn / wonderful welcom
28 fall in love with sb
29 tell a story of
30 take place / happen
31 decide to stay longer
32 worry about / be worried about
33 offer to do sth
34 try to understand the word
35 agree with sb
36 agree on
37 see the centre as the neighbourhood
38 take good of / look after sbwell
39 see … as
regard as
1 from time to time
2 from beginning to end
3 from morning to end
4 from side to side
5 at the / this moment
6 freezing cold / really cold
7 sound great
8 be dark all day
9 be quite windy / sunny / rainy
10 get cooler and cooler
11 compared to / with
12 depend on
13 dring an umbrella with you
14 buy a good map
15 pay much for sth
16 stay in a hotel
17 take a shower
18 be + off + to + sw
= be kaving for + sw
= be going to
19 change quickil
20 choose sth carefully
21 walk in the countryside
22 want to travel
23 take photos of autumn leaves
24 find our way to …
25 best of all
26 first of all
27 British Tourist Office
28 Spring Festival
29 be 2 kilometres away
30 had better do sth
31 be pleased to do
32 be pleasant to do
33 be a good idea to do
34 be the best time to do
35 It’s possible that…
36 It’s possible for sb to do sth
37 Sth / sb + will probably / possible + V
38 It’s great fun to do sth
39 It may be / must be / can be
40 It can’t
Module 12
1 traditional life
2 baseball cap
3 chess set
4 a Chinese family
5 same foreign guests
6 first name / given name
7 last name / family name
8 waste bin
9 at meals
10 at thedinning table
11 at the tables
12 at Spring Festival
13 at the party
14 on the pavement
15 here and there
16 in time
17 on time 18 in red paper
19 with a pen
20 for the first time
21 for example
22 on the first day of the
23 leave China with a posspart
24 sings around the world
25 be different from
26 stop chatting
27 try one’s best
28 do some / the cleaning / washing
do some / the reading / running
29 drop litter
30 cut one’s hair
31 accept a present
32 give sb a present
33 hear from sb
= receive a letter from sb
= give a letter from sb
34 take off
35 can’t wait to do
36 look up … in …
37 shake hands with sb
38 drink tea with milk
39 see / hear sb do / doing
notice / watch sb do doing
40 a pair of chopsticks/ glasses
a pair of trousers / shoes / jeans / shorts / pants/ stockings / glove
41 get a move on
just wait and see
hang on
have a wedding
clean up bedroom
42 It’s bad / good luck