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解释句型1.That's right.2.All right.3.That's all right.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 20:27:28
1.That's right.
2.All right.
3.That's all right.
解释句型1.That's right.2.All right.3.That's all right.
1) All right的用法主要有三种.
-Let's go to the zoo. 让我们去动物园吧.
-All right (=OK). 好吧/行.
(2)用在系动词be(am, is, are)之后,表示健康状况,意思是“健康状况良好”,相当于“fine”或“well”. 例:
-How is your mother? 你妈妈的身体好吗?
-She's all right, thank you. 她很好,谢谢你.
I hope everything is all right. 我希望一切顺利.
2)That's all right主要也有三种用法.
(1)对别人致谢的回答,意思是“不用谢;别客气”,其含义相当于That's OK. / Not at all. / You're welcome等.例如:
-Thank you very much, Lily. 谢谢你,莉莉.
-That's all right(OK). 不客气.
(2)对别人致歉时的回答,意思是“没关系;不介意”,其含义相当于It doesn't matter.或Never mind. 例如:
-I'm sorry I'm late for school.对不起,我上学迟到了.
-That's all right. 没关系(不要紧).
(3)在海关、哨卡等场所,检验人员对出入人员的证件和包裹检查后,发现无可疑情况,常说That's all right, 其含义是“可以;没有问题”.例如:
-Can I see your ID, please?可以看看你的身份证吗?
-OK. Here you are. 行,给你.
-That's all right. Thanks. 没问题,谢谢.
3) That's right的用法只有一种.
-I think she's a teacher. 我想她是一名教师.
-That's right. 对.