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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:04:52
English can be a difficult language to learn, but there are certain things you can do to learn the language a lot faster. Here we will show you how to quickly learn to speak English. Start by taking a class that teaches beginning English. These classes are commonly referred to as "ESL" classes, or "English as a Second Language." The teachers of these classes have the experience to teach a variety of students the essentials of the English language regardless of the students' primary language. Buy an English audio or DVD course. You can review these classes in your spare time and learn quite a bit, but if you are serious about wanting to learn English faster then you will want to review the course every opportunity you have. Buy an audio course and listen to it in the car or while working, if possible. The higher the quality of the course, the quicker you'll learn. Practice speaking English with other people, preferably with native English speakers. Make friends with people who do not speak your native language, but who are willing to help you learn English by having simple conversations with you. You will probably be surprised at how quickly you can start having entire conversations in English. Watch television shows or movies that are in English and which do not have subtitles in your native language. Pay attention to the dialogue and try to figure out what the actors are saying. Congratulate yourself when you are able to pick out certain words and phrases that you understand.
Read newspapers, books and magazines that are printed in English. At first they won't make much sense, but as your knowledge grows so will your understanding of written English. Understanding written English will definitely assist you in learning to speak the language much faster.
英语是一门很难学的语言,但你可以做一些事情使你学习语言的速度更快.在这里,我们将告诉你如何快速学会说英语.开始参加一个培养英语的训练班.这些班通常被称为“ESL班”或“英语作为第二语言.” 无论学生的主要语言是什么,这些课程的教师有丰富的经验传授各种学生学英语的要领.购买英语音频或DVD的教程.您可以在你的业余时间查看这些并多学习,但如果你是认真的想快速学习英语.那么你将每一个机会,你必须要检讨的过程.如果可能的话,买一个音频课程,在车上或工作时听它.更高质量的过程中,你会更快学习与其他人练习说英语,最好是以英语为母语的人.与不说自己的母语,但愿意与您通过简单的对话,以帮助你学习英语的人结交朋友.你可能会惊奇地发现,你很快就可以开始整个的英语对话.观看电视节目或电影,都是英文的,没有在您的本地语言的字幕.要注意的对话和揣摩的演员在说什么.当你能够挑选出你了解的某些单词和短语,为自己庆祝.阅读印有中英文报纸,书籍和杂志.起初,他们不会有太大的意义,但随着知识的增长,你就能理解书面英语.理解书面英语表达将肯定有助于你更快学习口语.