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英语翻译The United States has a new national park. It is Great B

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 14:26:37
The United States has a new national park. It is Great Basin. It is the first national park in Nevada. The new park is in the eastern part of Nevada,near the border with Utah. It is far from any city.?
An American explorer John Charles Fremont traveled through the area in the early 1800’s. He found the land shaped like a bowl. So he named it the Great Basin. It is a land of unusual beauty and sharp differences.
For example,you can climb a mountain covered with green forests,then cool yourself in a field of snow as you arrive at the top. Here and there,sharp rocks push out through the snow. Among the rocks you might see homes of the golden hawk,a bird that was once in danger of dying out.
You can camp in a campground on the edge of Lehman Caves.These caves are a group of large underground rooms made of limestone(石灰石).You can walk through them for about a kilometer. Before the park opened,the caves were the center of interests for anyone traveling through this area.
The state of Nevada has wanted a national park for more than sixty years.There have always been the opposite ideas from people who believed that a park would harm mining(采矿) and agricultural interests. The bill (法案) that set up the park,however,promises that mines will remain open,and that sheep and cows will continue to feed on the mountainsides.
英语翻译The United States has a new national park. It is Great B
美国的新国家公园- Great Basin,是在内华达州的第一个国家公园.远离城嚣,新公园位于内华达州的东部,濒临犹他州.
在早在19世纪初,美国探险家约翰查尔斯弗里蒙特就旅越了此区.他发现该地形如盆碗.于是他将此地命名为Great Basin(大盆地).这是一块不寻常美丽的土地,地形也与众不同.