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SAT作文,Shouldheroes be defined as people who say what they th

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 23:36:01
heroes be defined as people who say what they think when we ourselves lack the
courage to say it?
With the development of human civilizations,
nowadays,when facing some injustice situations,more people choose to avoid
involving in to it,however,there are still some people who dare to speak out.
Should heroes be defined as people who expresses out their thought against the
wrong when ourselves lack the courage to say our own ideas?Different people
have different opinions.When facing such a difficult question,I would rather
agree with that those who advocate for others are true heroes.Examples of
Martin Luther King Jr.and Abraham Lincoln can support my point of view.
Martin Luther King Jr.,one of the leaders of
the Civil Rights Movement,was such a brave person who devoted his whole life
into the enterprise of eliminating racial discrimination.In 1963,“I have a
dream”,a 17-minute public speech,was delivered by MLK on Aug 28.Delivered to over 200,000 civil rights supporters,the
speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of
public address.According to U.S.Representative John Lewis,"By speaking the way
he did,he educated,he inspired,Dr.King informed not just the people there,
but people throughout America and unborn generations.” MLK dedicated his life
to strive for the black people’s civil rights,which later led to the justice
among races.He was a hero for he spoke out his political proposals for the
black people.
Another hero,Abraham
Lincoln,the 16th president of the United States,successfully led
his country through its greatest constitutional,military and moral crisis -
the American Civil War – preserving the integration and the Union while ending
the slavery.He published a great number of public speeches,though during one
of which he was assassinated,his splendid contribution proved that he is a genuine
When other people
tried to hide their thoughts to avoid dangers,Martin Luther King Jr.and
Abraham Lincoln chose to give expression to their assertions.Their behaviors
are worthy of our respect and the title of “true hero”.
SAT作文,Shouldheroes be defined as people who say what they th
再问: 您好,请问能给更多点评吗? 您指的是4×2分?
再答: 相比第一个论点来讲,第二个有些薄弱。论据没有很广泛,说法比较单一。因为字数没有超过上限,400字一般会得比较好的分数,所以conclusion可以加长一些,扣住thesis statement并加以升华。语法有小错误,也还需要加强句子的准确性。但是总体已经很好了。 我也只是随便评分,只做参考。 因为两个老师会评分,加到一起。所以我这里是4分。感觉这篇文章应该会有8、9分的样子。