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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 13:29:40
y Barbara Hauck She smiled at a sorrowful stranger,The smile seemed to make him feel better.He remembered past kindness of a friend And wrote him a thankyou letter.The friend was so pleased with the thankyou That he left a large tip after lunch.The waitress,surprised by the size of the tip,Bet the whole thing on a hunch.The next day she picked up her winnings,And gave part to a man on the street.The man on the street was grateful; For two days he'd nothing to eat.After he finished his dinner,He left for his small dingy room.(He didn't know at that moment That he might be facing his doom.) On the way he picked up a shivering puppy And took him home to get warm.The puppy was very grateful To be in out of the storm.That night the house caught on fire.The puppy barked the alarm.He barked till he woke the whole household And saved everybody from harm.One of the boys that he rescued Grew up to be President.All this because of a simple smile That hadn't cost a cent.英文抒情散文诗歌欣赏:微笑 她朝一个伤感的人微笑,那微笑似乎让他感觉好些.他记起一位朋友昔日的恩情,便写给他一封信表示感谢.那位朋友因为那感谢而欣喜,午饭后留了一大笔小费.女服务员因小费之大而惊奇,把这一切归为预感的运气.第二天她拿起她的所得,将一部分给了街上的一个男人.街上的那个男人很感激,两天了他什么都没吃进肚里.他美美吃完一顿晚餐,走进他那又小又黑的家里.(那一刻他并不知道,他或许会遭遇厄运.) 路上他把一只瑟瑟发抖的小狗抱起,带他回家暖和暖和身子.小狗为此很是感激,有个家能避开暴风雨.那夜房子失了火,小狗汪汪报警了.他叫得所有人都醒来了,使大家免遭了伤害.在他挽救的孩子中,有一位长大当了总统.所有这一切只因一个简单的微笑,那微笑不用花费分文.