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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 01:08:58
Mother was an Oh. Her mother was the chemical engineer who first discovered a feasible way to store oxygen in tanks. And Father was Noel Ashenden, who though he did not actually invent the match-book, went into the field when it was still a not very flourishing novelty, and whose slogan, almost a poem,‘Close Cover Before Striking’(a simple stroke, as Father liked to say), obvious only after someone else has already thought of it (the Patent Office refused to issue a patent on what it claimed was merely an instruction, but Father’s company had the message on its matchbooks before his competitors even knew what was happening), removed the hazard from book matches and turned the industry and Father’s firm particularly into a flaming success overnight—Father’s joke, not mine. Later, when the inroads of Ronson and Zippo threatened the business, Father went into seclusion for six months and when he returned to us he had produced another slogan:‘For Our Matchless Friends.’It saved the industry a second time and was the second and last piece of work in Father’s life.
母亲来自俄亥俄州,是第一个发现储存罐装氧气可行性办法的化学工程师.父亲是Noel Ashenden.虽然他并不是发明纸板火柴的人,但他在纸板火柴还是一种不太盛行的新鲜事物的时候已经进入这个领域,他的广告语就像一首诗:“在摩擦之前把盖子合上(只要轻轻一擦,就像父亲喜欢说的)”显然是别人想到它之后(专利局拒绝颁发专利证书,因为专利局认为这只是一句说明.但父亲的公司在竞争对手了解到这是怎么一回事之前已经把这句话印在火柴盒上)消除了火柴的安全隐患,也在一夜之间让火柴工业,特别是父亲的公司走向成功——父亲的玩笑,不是我的.后来,当Ronson和Zippo等打火机品牌的出现威胁到火柴工业,父亲决定隐退六个月.当他重新出山的时候他又想出了另外一条广告语“为了我们无与伦比(没有火柴)的朋友们”.它第二次拯救了火柴工业,这是父亲的第二个也是最后一个创作.