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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 05:22:04
The commuters today may have to take the vehicles almost everyday and they will come across with different people and things on the bus or subway. In some countries, there are even special carriages for young people, with the intention of providing them with more chances to know the opposite sex.
Traveling can help you figure out what you want to do with your life:Exposing yourself to new places, people and cultures can awaken your sense of purpose. Learning about what's out there in the world can help you determine what feels like you - and what doesn't.
It's also especially useful in helping people realize that there's no one way to live a lifetime. Every culture is different and so is every person within those cultures. If you wait till later in life, you run the risk of realizing your potential too late. Don't let opportunity pass you by; explore the world while you're young.

It promotes independence (and hones survival skills):Catching flights, keeping track of passports and navigating foreign-speaking cities, can force you to think on your feet and make decisions quickly. Being away from your comfort zone really pushes a person to think independently.
It eliminates resentment later in life:How often do you hear someone much older than you comment on how they should have done something when they were younger? No one wants to be sitting in a rocking chair at age 80, wishing that they had taken that trip when they had the chance. Don't let someone or something stop you from traveling. A chance to experience the world now is greater than any excuse you can come up with for not going. It's worth it and you'll be glad you have those memories later in life, trust me!
Many families nowadays have only one child. Parents would like to provide them with the best conditions; the age of the children studying abroad consequently has become younger and younger. In order not to let them lose at the starting line, many parents then send their children to study abroad with the reasons that “The child will then have the foreign nationality. They will enjoy the free education in the public primary school and choose to study abroad freely. It is much easier for them to apply for the world-known universities such as Harvard and the tuition is only one tenth of that when applying in China.”
现在的家庭大多只有一个孩子,父母都想把最好的给到他们,“出国留学”年龄是越来越小了,为了“不让孩子不输在起跑线上”,好多家长送孩子出国留学,他们的理由是:“孩子出生后就可以自然拥有外国国籍,小学中学就读公立学校可以享受学费全免,还可以自由选择在外国上大学,申请哈佛等世界名牌大学要比在国内容易得多,费用也只是国内留学的1/10等等. ”