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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:39:54
The American newspaperman"s public responsibility goes 1 the reporting of political facts,beyond even comment 2 the facts.His role becomes heroic 3 he discovers crimes about which the police knew 4,and more 5 when he produces 6 of corruption or misbehaviour by police officials.7 democratic the election process 8 have been many local officials who have made themselves rich by dirty means,and a 9 who finds out the dishonest truth,persistently pressing his 10 and courageously publishing the results in the 11 of evil threats,expressing one of the highest 12 that the press sets before itself.Things do not always happen this 13,but they sometimes 14.And the press as a whole 15 some credit for the marvellous openness of public life,which is one of the specific 16 of American democracy.Many things which in other countries are hidden away are quickly made 17 in America.18 this is so is partly due to the dedication of the press 19 its task,together with the honour that it has 20 as a protector of the public interest.
The American newspaperman's public responsibility goes BEYOND the reporting of political facts, beyond even comment ON the facts. His role becomes heroic WHEN he discovers crimes about which the police knew NOTHING, and EVEN more when he produces EVIDENCE of corruption or misbehaviour by police officials. HOWEVER democratic the election process THERE have been many local officials who have made themselves rich by dirty means, and a JOURNALIST who finds out the dishonest truth, persistently pressing his INQUIRIES and courageously publishing the results in the FACE of evil threats, expressing one of the highest IDEALS that the press sets before itself. Things do not always happen this WAY, but they sometimes DO. And the press as a whole DESERVES some credit for the marvellous openness of public life, which is one of the specific FEATURES of American democracy. Many things which in other countries are hidden away are quickly made KNOWN in America. THAT this is so is partly due to the dedication of the press TO its task, together with the honour that it has EARNED as a protector of the public interest.
1. go beyond指“超出”.
2. comment后应接介词on .
3. when 引出时间状语,“当….时候”.
4. nothing,根据上下文,应选nothing.该句的意思是:当记者发现了连警察都不知道的罪行时,他角色就变得很有英雄感.
5. even more 意思是“更甚者”
6. evidence “证据”,不可数名词.
7. however democratic the election process 意为“无论选举过程有多民主”.
8. there该句是“there be…”结构.
9. journalist 意为“新闻工作者”.
10. press the inquiries 意为“锲而不舍,穷追猛打”.inquiry追问、查询”.
11. in the face of evil threats指“面对邪恶势力的威胁”.
12. the highest ideals“最崇高的理想”.identity “身份”.
13. (in) this way习惯搭配,“以这样的方式”,in常常被省略.
14. do 代替前面的“happen this way”.
15. deserve some credits 意为“值得嘉许”.
16. features 意为“特色”.
17. made known 指“被披露”.
18. that this is so is意为“之所以如此…”.
19. to, dedication后应接介词to…
20. earned….the honour 意思是“赢取这荣誉”.