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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 05:41:23
汉语中的“各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜”这一典故源自人们的生活习惯,在冬天下雪的时候,各家各户为了行走方便,各自清扫自己庭院中或门前的积雪,该典故现在常用来指各自为政,只考虑自己的利益而不顾他人或集体利益的行为.另外汉语中的“半斤八两”源自中国习惯于使用的“斤”这一计算单位,整个成语表示一半对一半,在英国文化中,人们喜欢用“打”来做计算单位,这样便有了six of one and half a dozen of the other.其意义同汉语中的半斤八两一致.
情人眼里出西施 中的西施是美女的代表,具有鲜明的汉民族文化色彩,与其相对应的英语是出自莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》里的love is blind 二是出自lew Wallace 的 the prince of India 里的beauty is in the eye o fthe beholder 在这两个英语成语中,前者体现了情人的意思,却未能传达出出西施的意思,后者却刚好相反,出西施的意思倒十分清楚,但情人的意思却未能传达出来,其表达的主要含义是:美是因人而异,强调主观性,所以这两个成语并不十分对应,love is blind的民族色彩比beauty is in the eye of the beholder要显著,它含有爱神丘比特cupid 是瞎眼的,他射出的爱之箭是盲目的.恋爱者因而也是盲目的.这就是西方的民族文化色彩 .
削足适履出自《淮南子.说林训》:骨肉相爱,谗贼间之,而父子相危.夫所以养而害其所养,譬犹削足适履,杀头而便冠.它的意思是脚大鞋小,把脚犹削去一部分以适合鞋的大小.比喻勉强求合或不合理就现成的条件,与其对应的英语是stretch on the procrustean bed,出自希腊神话,相传普罗克鲁斯procrustes 是雅典一大盗 ,经常把俘虏绑到一张铁床上,如果身比床长,便斩其脚,如果没有床长,便硬将其身子拉长.这个成语的寓意和汉语削足适履一样是强求一致/ 不合理的要求按照同一标准办事.不合理的迁就现成条件.
Chinese "in front of everyone since sweeping the snow off of others on the cream tile" story from the people's living habits,snow in the winter time,individual households to facilitate walking,cleaning their own or in the courtyard snow in front of the story,now commonly used to refer to their own ways,considering only its own interests without regard to others or to the interests of the collective.Another Chinese in the "Banjinbaliang" originated in China accustomed to the use of the "burden" of this unit of measure,saying that half of the entire half in the United Kingdom culture,people like to use "fight" to do the unit,so they were six of one and half a dozen of the other.its significance with the Chinese Banjinbaliang unanimously.
Xishi in the eyes of a lover of beauty Xi Shi is the representative of the Chinese culture with distinct color,instead of the corresponding English is from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" love is blind,the second is the lew Wallace,the prince of India The beauty is in the eye o fthe beholder in both English idiom,the former lover embodies the meaning of,but failed to convey the meaning of the Xi Shi,which is exactly the contrary,the meaning of the Xishi inverted very clear,but Valentine's but not the meaning conveyed by,the main meaning of the expression is:The United States is varies from person to person,that subjectivity,these two idiom is not correspondence,love is blind nationalist rhetoric than beauty is in the eye of the beholder should significantly,it contains Cupid cupid Eros is blind,and he fired the arrows of love is blind.Love is blind,so.This is the Western culture color.
Qiaojukuolu:from "Huainanzi.Lin said that training ":osteosarcoma love,Chan among thieves,and Sons of adversity.Cardiff custody and therefore harm their support,and still Qiaojukuolu:likeness,and it Shatou crown.It means that the shoes on the legs,feet still cut part to fit the size of shoes.Barely a metaphor for the off-the-shelf or unreasonable conditions,and their corresponding English is the stretch on the procrustean bed,from Greek mythology,Athens Legend has it Puluokelushi procrustes is a thief,often tied to a prisoner iron bed,if the body longer than the bed,it chopped its feet,if there is no bed long,it will be hard lengthen their bodies.The suspect and Chinese idioms Qiaojukuolu:force is the same as / unreasonable demands act in accordance with the same standards.Unreasonable accommodate existing conditions.